Houston Chronicle


- Heloise@heloise.com King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise:

I enjoyed your hint about using cream of tartar on aluminum cookware to restore the shine. It works! I have also used half a lemon in the pot with boiling water. — Ruth F., North Canton, Ohio

Dear Heloise:

I have a small kitchen and have found that using the microwave as a bread box saves space. Some may think it is a bother to take out the loaf of bread every time they want to use the microwave, but it quickly became a habit for everyone. — Betty, via email

Dear Heloise:

I ran out of bread for sandwiches, but instead of running to the store, I made wraps by placing all the ingredient­s in lettuce leaves and rolling them up. Not only did they taste great, I lowered the number of calories I was consuming. — June in Utah

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