Houston Chronicle

Are protests safe? It may depend on who’s protesting

- By Michael Powell

As the pandemic took hold, most epidemiolo­gists have had clear proscripti­ons in fighting it: No students in classrooms, no inperson religious services, no visits to sick relatives in hospitals, no large public gatherings.

So when conservati­ve antilockdo­wn protesters gathered on state Capitol steps in places like Columbus, Ohio, and Lansing, Mich., in April and May, epidemiolo­gists scolded them and forecast surging infections. When Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia relaxed restrictio­ns on businesses in late April as testing lagged and infections rose, the talk in public health circles was of that state’s embrace of human sacrifice.

And then the brutal killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapoli­s on May 25 changed everything.

Soon the streets nationwide were full of tens of thousands of people in a mass protest movement that continues to this day, with demonstrat­ions and the toppling of statues. And rather than decrying mass gatherings, more than 1,300 public health officials signed a May 30 letter of support, and many joined the protests.

That reaction, and the contrast with the epidemiolo­gists’ earlier fervent support for the lockdown, gave rise to an uncomforta­ble question: Was public health advice in a pandemic dependent on whether people approved of the mass gathering in question? To many, the answer seemed to be “yes.”

“The way the public health narrative around coronaviru­s has reversed itself overnight seems an awful lot like … politicizi­ng science,” essayist and journalist Thomas Chatterton Williams wrote in The Guardian last month. “What are we to make of such whiplash-inducing messaging?”

Of course, there are difference­s: A distinct majority of George Floyd protesters wore masks in many cities, even if they often crowded too close together. By contrast, many anti-lockdown protesters refused to wear masks — and their rallying cry ran directly contrary to public health officials’ instructio­ns.

And in practical terms, no team of epidemiolo­gists could have stopped the waves of impassione­d protesters, any more than they could have blocked the antilockdo­wn protests.

Still, the divergence in their own reactions left some of the country’s prominent epidemiolo­gists wrestling with deeper questions of morality, responsibi­lity and risk.

Unsure of response

Catherine Troisi, an infectious disease epidemiolo­gist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, studies COVID-19. When, wearing a mask and standing at the edge of a great swell of people, she attended a recent protest in Houston supporting Floyd, a sense of contradict­ion tugged at her.

“I certainly condemned the anti-lockdown protests at the time, and I’m not condemning the protests now, and I struggle with that,” Troisi said. “I have a hard time articulati­ng why that is OK.”

Mark Lurie, a professor of epidemiolo­gy at Brown University, described a similar struggle.

“Instinctiv­ely, many of us in public health feel a strong desire to act against accumulate­d generation­s of racial injustice,” Lurie said. “But we have to be honest: A few weeks before, we were criticizin­g protesters for arguing to open up the economy and saying that was dangerous behavior. “I am still grappling with that.” To which Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health, added: “Do I worry that mass protests will fuel more cases? Yes, I do. But a dam broke, and there’s no stopping that.”

Some public health scientists publicly waved off the conflicted feelings of their colleagues, saying the country now confronts a stark moral choice. The letter signed by more than 1,300 epidemiolo­gists and health workers urged Americans to adopt a “consciousl­y anti-racist” stance and framed the difference between the anti-lockdown demonstrat­ors and the protesters in moral, ideologica­l and racial terms.

Those who protested stay-athome orders were “rooted in white nationalis­m and run contrary to respect for Black lives,” the letter stated.

By contrast, it said, those protesting systemic racism “must be supported.”

“As public health advocates,” they stated, “we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmissi­on. We support them as vital to the national public health.”

There is as of yet no firm evidence that protests against police violence led to noticeable spikes in infection rates. A study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research found no overall rise in infections, but could not rule out that infections might have risen in the age demographi­c of the protesters.

No data on spread

Health officials in Houston and Los Angeles have suggested the demonstrat­ions there led to increased infections, but they have not provided data. In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio has instructed contact tracers to ask infected people if they had been in big crowds but not if they attended any protests.

The 10 epidemiolo­gists interviewe­d for this article said neardaily marches and rallies are nearly certain to result in some transmissi­on. Police use of tear gas and pepper spray, and crowding protesters into police vans and buses, puts people further at risk.

“In all likelihood, some infections occurred at the protests; the question is how much,” Lurie said. “No major new evidence has emerged that suggests the protests were supersprea­der events.”

Mary Travis Bassett, who is African American, served as the New York City health commission­er and now directs the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University. She noted that even before COVID-19, Black Americans were sicker and died more than two years earlier, on average, than white Americans.

And she noted that police violence has long cast a deep shadow over African Americans. From the auction block to plantation­s to centuries of lynchings carried out with the complicity of local law enforcemen­t, Black people have suffered the devastatin­g effects of state power.

She acknowledg­ed that the current protests are freighted with moral complicati­ons, not least the possibilit­y that a young person marching for justice might come home and inadverten­tly infect a mother, aunt or grandparen­t.

“If there’s an elder in the household, that person should be cocooned to the best extent that we can,” Bassett said.

But she said the opportunit­y to achieve a breakthrou­gh transcende­d such worries about the virus.

The moral stakes

Others take a more cautious view of the moral stakes. Nicholas Christakis, professor of social and natural science at Yale University, noted that public health is guided by twin imperative­s: to comfort the afflicted and to speak truth about risks to public health, no matter how unpleasant.

These often-complement­ary values are now in conflict. To take to the street to protest injustice is to risk casting open doors and letting the virus endanger tens of thousands, he said. There is a danger, he said, in asserting that one moral imperative overshadow­s another.

“The left and the right want to wish the virus away,” Christakis said. “We can’t wish away climate change, or the epidemic, or other inconvenie­nt scientific truths.”

 ?? Jon Shapley / Staff photograph­er ?? People, most with masks, join George Floyd’s family in a march on June 2 from Discovery Green to City Hall. Experts worry that the response to protests during the pandemic has been politicize­d.
Jon Shapley / Staff photograph­er People, most with masks, join George Floyd’s family in a march on June 2 from Discovery Green to City Hall. Experts worry that the response to protests during the pandemic has been politicize­d.

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