Houston Chronicle

States that reopened early are leading the surge in infections.

- By Lazaro Gamio

Florida and South Carolina were among the first states to open up and are now among the states leading the current surge in coronaviru­s cases.

In contrast, the states that bore the brunt of cases in March and April but were slower to reopen have seen significan­t decreases in reported cases since. Average daily cases in New York are down 52 percent since the state reopened in late May. Cases in Massachuse­tts are down 83 percent.

South Carolina — the first state to reopen retail stores — continues to set records for reported cases. On Wednesday, the average daily case count was 1,570, up from 143 when the state reopened. State health officials estimate that they have identified just 14 percent of cases.

Cases in Georgia are up 245 percent since late April, prompting some cities to require the use of face masks. These local mandates go further than a statewide order signed by Gov. Brian Kemp that encourages masks but doesn’t require them.

Florida has seen an increase of more than tenfold in average daily cases since it began reopening in early May. Public health officials said the return to bars, restaurant­s and house parties was the cause for the spike. The state has since shut down on-site drinking at bars.

Florida is not alone — more than a third of states are pausing or reversing plans to reopen.

Arizona — on top of seeing a spike in cases — has the highest rate of positive tests in the country, with nearly 1 in 4 coming back positive. The nationwide rate is roughly 9 percent.

California, among the first states to be affected by the coronaviru­s, is now seeing a spike in cases. The state was once seen as a model for how to contain the virus, but experts blame the current surge on an inconsiste­nt adoption of prevention strategies and a haphazard reopening process that gave people a false sense that they were in the clear.

New York, once the epicenter of the virus, has seen average daily case numbers plummet along with the rate of positive test results, which sits at 1 percent. The state is still reopening, but a full return to normal is a ways off.

President Donald Trump has blamed the rapid growth in cases on an increase in tests, but testing alone does not explain the surge. The U.S. is conducting nearly three times as many tests as earlier in the outbreak, but the growth in cases is outpacing the growth in testing in at least half the states. Shortages of test kits remain a widespread problem, with reports of some testing sites running out of supplies just minutes after opening.

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