Houston Chronicle

U.S. hopes federal execution will go on

- By Michael Balsamo, Colleen Long and Andrew Demillo

WASHINGTON — Determined to proceed with the first federal execution in nearly two decades, the Justice Department plans to appeal a judge’s ruling that would halt authoritie­s from carrying it out on Monday.

The family of the victims in the case had requested that it be called off because their fear of the coronaviru­s would keep them from attending. Not that they wanted to see the killer die; they have long asked that he be given a life sentence instead, and their pandemic objection could postpone the execution indefinite­ly.

Daniel Lee, 47, had been scheduled to die by lethal injection on Monday. Lee, of Yukon, Okla., was convicted in Arkansas of the 1996 killings of gun dealer William Mueller, his wife, Nancy, and her 8-year-old daughter, Sarah Powell.

But Chief District Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson ruled Friday that the execution would be put on hold because of the family’s concern about the pandemic, which has killed more than 130,000 people and is ravaging prisons nationwide.

About an hour after the judge’s ruling, the Justice Department filed its notice to appeal to the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and filed court papers asking the district judge to stay the order pending the appeal. The 7th Circuit, based in Chicago, includes Indiana, which is where the execution was to take place at the federal prison in Terre Haute.

The Justice Department argues that it is likely to win an appeal. It contends that executions require extensive coordinati­on with other law enforcemen­t officials and says dozens of staff members were already being brought in from other facilities ahead of Monday’s planned execution.

“These preparatio­ns cannot easily be undone,” the filing says.

Attorney General William Barr has said part of the reason the Trump administra­tion wants to resume executions is to deliver a sense of justice to the victims’ families.

But relatives of those killed by Lee strongly oppose that idea. They wanted to be present to counter any contention that it was being done on their behalf.

“For us it is a matter of being there and saying, ‘This is not being done in our name; we do not want this,’ ” said relative Monica Veillette.

The relatives, including Earlene Branch Peterson, who lost her daughter and granddaugh­ter in the killing, have argued that their grief is compounded by the push to execute Lee in the middle of a pandemic.

“The harm to Ms. Peterson, for example, is being forced to choose whether being present for the execution of a man responsibl­e for the death of her daughter and granddaugh­ter is worth defying her doctor’s orders and risking her own life,” the judge wrote.

The injunction delays the execution until there is no longer such an emergency. The court order applies only to Lee’s execution and does not halt two other executions that are scheduled for later next week.

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