Houston Chronicle

Poll: 3 in 4 back wearing of masks

- By Michael R. Blood and Emily Swanson

LOS ANGELES — Three out of four Americans, including a majority of Republican­s, favor requiring people to wear face coverings while outside their homes, a new poll finds, reflecting fresh alarm over spiking coronaviru­s cases and a growing embrace of government advice intended to safeguard public health.

The survey from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research also finds about two-thirds of Americans disapprove of how President Donald Trump is handling the outbreak, an unwelcome sign for the White House in an election year shaped by the nation’s battle with the pandemic.

More than four months after government stay-at-home orders first swept across the U.S., the poll spotlights an America increasing­ly on edge about the virus.

The federal government’s response is seen as falling short, and most Americans favor continued restrictio­ns to stop the virus from spreading even if they might hamstring the economy.

Support for requiring masks is overwhelmi­ng among Democrats, at 89 percent, but 58 percent of Republican­s are in favor as well.

The poll was conducted before Trump, who for months was dismissive of masks, said this week that it’s patriotic to wear one.

“Not wearing a mask, to me, poses a greater risk of spreading the COVID,” said Darius Blevins, a 33-year-old Republican-leaning independen­t from Christians­burg, Va., who works in bank operations. Blevins said he wears a mask in public because “it’s much more effective than not wearing the mask.”

It’s an opinion echoed by data analyst James Shaw, an independen­t who tilts Democratic.

“If you understand the facts, there is really no issue,” said Shaw, 56, of Noble, Ill. “The data is crystal clear.”

For months, health officials have said several simple steps could save lives — washing hands frequently, staying away from crowds, especially while indoors, and pulling on a mask when heading out to the supermarke­t, the office or a restaurant.

And despite heated rhetoric about masks in some corners, 95 percent of Democrats and 75 percent of Republican­s said they’re wearing face coverings when leaving the house. Overall, 86 percent of Americans say they’re doing so, compared with 73 percent in May.

About half of Americans now say they’re extremely or very worried about themselves or someone in their families being infected with the virus — about the same as in March, but a steep increase from June, when just 32 percent said they were that concerned. Republican­s were less likely to be anxious about the illness, but concern rose among members of both parties.

There were other signs of continued unease. Support for limiting the size of gatherings ticked back up to 66 percent, after sliding for several months to a low of 59 percent in June. Eighty-five percent of Americans say they’re avoiding large groups.

About half say they favor requiring people to stay in their homes except for essential trips. That number remained about steady since June. About half also favor requiring bars and restaurant­s to close.

The poll finds only 24 percent of Americans approve of the federal government’s response to the outbreak, with disapprova­l hitting 55 percent, ticking up 7 percentage points from May.

The remainder didn’t have an opinion either way.

 ?? Robert F. Bukaty / Associated Press ?? Customers wear face masks while waiting to place orders at a food stand in Wiscasset, Maine.
Robert F. Bukaty / Associated Press Customers wear face masks while waiting to place orders at a food stand in Wiscasset, Maine.

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