Houston Chronicle

Get that grocery store shopping list ready to stock up on essential items

- By Emma Balter STAFF WRITER

Hurricane Laura’s exact track is still uncertain, but Houstonian­s need to prepare now in case the forecast worsens. This means replenishi­ng your emergency supplies, packing a to-go bag and stocking your pantry with storm-friendly foods.

In the event of a storm or hurricane, you may lose power. Buy nonperisha­ble foods and goods that will last several days outside the fridge. (No, this does not include brisket.) Prepare meals that don’t need to be cooked or even heated up. What follows is a sample shopping list and other ideas.

In addition to food, you need 1 gallon of water per person per day. Plan for a week. Example: If you are a household of two, buy 14 gallons of water.

Foods to buy



Rice cakes

Peanut butter Canned beans (garbanzo, pinto, black, red kidney, navy) Canned fish (tuna is best) Canned soup Canned vegetables Trail mix


Dried fruit (raisins, dried apricot, dried mango) Granola bars


Powdered milk Condensed milk Hardy, long-lasting fruit (apples, pears, oranges) Canned fruit

Chips (kettle chips, tortilla chips)


Beef jerky Spam

Apple sauce Chocolate pudding

Foods to prep

Any kind of grain (or even a legume, like lentils) is a great addition to your storm supplies, as it will last a while outside the fridge and is perfectly edible cold. However, you need to cook grains ahead of time. Make some time in the days before a weather event to cook batches and store them in containers. During a storm, make a meal more interestin­g by adding any canned bean, vegetable and protein to the mix, as well as any of the shelf-stable condiments listed below. Ta-da: You’ve got yourself a hurricane grain bowl!

Rice (pretty much any kind) Couscous

Pearl couscous




Bulgur Buckwheat

Lentils Condiments

Hot sauce

Soy sauce

Rice vinegar White wine vinegar Red wine vinegar Balsamic vinegar Distilled white vinegar Apple cider vinegar Sriracha Gochujang Mustard


 ?? Julia Gartland / New York Times ?? Having a well-stocked pantry is always a good idea.
Julia Gartland / New York Times Having a well-stocked pantry is always a good idea.

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