Houston Chronicle

Fantasylan­d or Disneyland?


Presidenti­al places

Regarding “Trump’s fantasylan­d,” (A22, Aug. 30): I could not agree more. Over the years, my wife and I have visited 13 of the 14 presidenti­al libraries and museums, ranging from Herbert Hoover through George W. Bush, and every president in-between. When it opens to the public, we will visit Barack Obama’s. We have also visited birthplace­s, homes, burial sites and all sorts of historical places related to these presidents and at least 18 others, like George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant and Theodore Roosevelt. This adventure has taken to us to at least 16 different states across the country and to Washington, D.C. Admittedly, many of these places took a positive slant in telling the history of each president, but by and large most were great leaders, many from humble beginnings who genuinely cared about America and its people. It was fascinatin­g to learn about their contributi­ons and about U.S. and world history during their eras. When the time comes, however, we won’t be going to Donald J. Trump’s fantasy museum. Our time and money will be better spent at Disneyland. Robert C. Baldwin, Cypress

Slow and steady

Regarding “Editorial cartoon,” (16, Sept. 2): Although the political cartoon was meant to ridicule former Vice President Joe Biden as a sleepy turtle who could not beat the “orange hare” to the finish line, I have another interpreta­tion. The cartoon immediatel­y reminded me of Aesop’s fable of “The Tortoise and the Hare.” As we know, the steadiness and perseveran­ce of the tortoise defeated the over-confident, bragging hare. The moral of the tale? Slow and steady wins the race. Gerry Aitken, Stafford

Practical questions

Regarding “Paxton should stop interferin­g with Harris County’s voting plan,” (A3, Sept. 2): Erica Grieder’s commentary on Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins and his plan to send every registered voter in Harris County a mail-in ballot applicatio­n raises a few practical questions concerning processing the applicatio­ns and receiving/counting the mail-in ballots. First, since only adults are eligible to vote, should not the voter be expected to act like an adult, and if eligible, request his or her own mail-in ballot? Second, is the voter register roll up-todate and accurate? Third, if 480,000 (20 percent of 2,400,000, the approximat­e number of registered voters of Harris County) mail-in applicatio­ns are received on the last day to request a mail-in ballot, how long will it take to verify and process the applicatio­ns? And if 480,000 votes are received on the last day establishe­d to receive a mail-in ballot, how long will it take to verify and count each ballot? Without satisfacto­ry answers to these basic questions, mass mailing of mail-in voting applicatio­ns is a bad idea. Walter M. Caskey, Rosenberg

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