Houston Chronicle

As Ginsburg lies in state, Trump picks nominee

A FINAL MILESTONE: She is first woman paid highest tribute

- By Karoun Demirjian

WASHINGTON — The late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg broke one last glass ceiling Friday, becoming the first woman to lie in state at the Capitol as lawmakers and members of the military paid tribute to her trailblazi­ng career that changed the face of gender equality in the United States.

Many of Congress’ female members, Capitol Hill aides, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and the Joint Chiefs of Staff solemnly walked past Ginsburg’s flagdraped casket in Statuary Hall, honoring the diminutive justice who was “monumental in impact,” as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., described her.

“Her life and leadership cemented the truth that all men and women are

created equal,” Pelosi said in a statement issued after brief remarks at the ceremony.

Ginsburg, who served for 27 years andwas the second female justice on the Supreme Court, died last Friday at 87 of complicati­ons from cancer. She will be buried in a private ceremony next week at Arlington National Cemetery alongside her husband Marty.

Her casket rested upon the Lincoln catafalque as Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt offered a eulogy and Denyce Graves, one of opera aficionado Ginsburg’s favorite singers, offered a traditiona­l spiritual, “Deep River,” and a patriotic song, “American Anthem,” in somber serenade.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic presidenti­al nominee, and his wife Jill traveled to the Capitol to honor Ginsburg.

But it was the women of Congress who played the most noticeable — albeit silent — role, making up the majority of the invitation­only guests at the brief memorial service. When Ginsburg’s casket departed the Capitol, the lawmakers stood in line on the steps of the East Front, hands over their hearts, to bid her farewell.

“What she did for women not only has changed our country, but I think has changed the world,” said Rep. Susan Brooks, R-Ind., whowas one of a handful of Republican women to pay their respects to Ginsburg.

Lying in state is the United States’ highest form of tribute, normally reserved for presidents, military leaders and other distinguis­hed lawmakers. Ginsburg is only the second Supreme Court Justice to receive the honor; the late president William Howard Taft, who also was chief justice, lay in state in 1930.

Female lawmakers said the precedent-setting recognitio­n for Ginsburg was a testament to how dramatical­ly women’s rights have changed as a result of her lifetime crusade.

Rep. Debbie Dingell, DMich., recalled how earlier this summer, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., the youngest woman in Congress, delivered a floor speech to protest an insult from a male congressma­n and a “culture” that normalizes “violent language against women.”

“If I had done that when I was younger, I would have been fired; I wouldn’t have had a job. … People do not understand that that was really the experience of a lot of people of my generation,” Dingell said, reflecting on Ginsburg’s work. “She brought to the courts, to everything that she did — she experience­d it … and she is the first generation. I am where I am because she helped open the doors.”

Rep. Elise Stefanik, RN.Y., the youngest Republican woman in Congress, said she credited Ginsburg and the women of her generation with paving theway for others to break barriers, “even if you disagreed with some of her decisions.”

Absent from the ceremony were many of the top congressio­nal Republican­s, a reminder of the political fight over President Donald Trump’s plans to nominate a conservati­ve replacemen­t for the liberal icon within weeks of Election Day. An announceme­nt is planned Saturday.

Ginsburg’s dying wish was for the next president to choose her successor, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is moving swiftly to fill the seat as voters are casting early ballots.

McConnell did not attend the service; his spokesman declined to comment on his whereabout­s or schedule. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, RCalif., also did not attend.

A Pelosi spokesman said McConnell and McCarthy were invited. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, RLa., was the highest ranking Republican in attendance.

Democrats said the current political crossroads weighed on them as they reflected on Ginsburg’s legacy.

“We owe so much to her, and we have to recommit ourselves to continue the fight for justice and equality for all in this country,” Rep. Nydia Velázquez, D-N.Y., said. “That journey continues… not only in the hall of Congress, but corporate boards and for Black and brown people, immigrants, especially women.”

While most mourners paid tribute silently, one stood out for his physical display. Bryant Johnson, Ginsburg’s personal trainer, dropped to the ground and did three full push-ups in front of the flag-draped casket.

A pioneer and a cultural icon, Ginsburg also is the first Jewish person to lie in state.

“Today we stand in sorrow, and tomorrow we the people must carry on Justice Ginsburg’s legacy,” Holtzblatt, whose husband Ari clerked for Ginsburg, said in her eulogy. “Shewas our prophet, our north star, our strength, for so very long. Now she must be permitted to rest after toiling so hard for every single one of us.”

 ?? Chip Somodevill­a / Bloomberg ?? The casket of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is carried Friday into the Capitol, where she is the first Jewish person to lie in state.
Chip Somodevill­a / Bloomberg The casket of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is carried Friday into the Capitol, where she is the first Jewish person to lie in state.
 ?? Liz Lynch / Getty Images ?? Visitors wearing masks reminiscen­t of Ginsburg’s court robes pay homage to “the Notorious RBG” inWashingt­on, D.C.
Liz Lynch / Getty Images Visitors wearing masks reminiscen­t of Ginsburg’s court robes pay homage to “the Notorious RBG” inWashingt­on, D.C.
 ?? Erin Schaff / New York Times ?? SenateMajo­rity leaderMitc­hMcConnell and HouseMinor­ity Leader KevinMcCar­thy did not attend the service.
Erin Schaff / New York Times SenateMajo­rity leaderMitc­hMcConnell and HouseMinor­ity Leader KevinMcCar­thy did not attend the service.

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