Houston Chronicle

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s ‘marriage of equals’ inspired fans.

- By Lisa Bonos

Helena Walker is seeking a man who will support his wife nomatter what and not feel threatened by her success. “I am looking for my Marty,” she says, “but amnot in a rush.”

Marty was the husband of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Walker, a 41-year-old veterans law judge in Washington, D.C., was among the throngs who visited the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday afternoon to honor the justice after her death last week.

Ginsburg is admired for her legal achievemen­ts, especially toward ensuring gender equality, and her 56-year marriage put that theory into practice. Ruth and Marty, who died in 2010, both worked outside the home decades before that became the norm. They split child care and other domestic duties; she relocated for his career and he relocated for hers. And long before “sapiosexua­l” became a buzzword in online dating profiles, Ginsburg emphasized that Marty was “the only young man I dated who cared that I had a brain.” This pair, forged in the 1950s, reflects relationsh­ip goals for many singles and couples today.

Nearly 70 years after the Ginsburgs met on a blind date at Cornell University, Walker is looking for their kind of love — where a woman’s high-powered career is an asset, not a deterrent. “I think about how difficult it is to have a divergent power aspect in a relationsh­ip,” Walker says, adding that her success as a judge is often attractive to men at first, but “then they get super-intimidate­d or jealous.” Many potential partners have told her, “I’m not worthy of you,” which she finds dispiritin­g. “I’m not going to shrink to anybody,” she says. “I’m not going to step down. They can step up.”

Stephanie Hunt, a 46-year-old mother who was visiting the Supreme Court with her 8-year-old daughter, has been particular­ly inspired by how Marty appeared to push Ruth in a healthy way. “She was shy, and he helped her become who she was,” Hunt says.

The Ginsburgs moved to New York for Marty to take a job at a law firm and later to Washington for Ruth’s appointmen­t as an appellate judge. Hunt and her husband are making similar adjustment­s during the pandemic. This month, Hunt’s husband is working full speed and she’s going part time to help their two children with their home schooling; nextmonth, they’ll switch. It wasn’t an easy decision, Hunt says, but it felt like the right choice.

Just a few feet away, in front of the dozens of cards, chalk messages and bouquets honoring the justice, a couple is on a walk with their dog and 7-month-old son. Priya Madrecki, a 31-year-old mother who’s working full time and in graduate school part time, is trying to juggle all of the things Ginsburg did as a young mother: work, education, a young family. One of the things Madrecki finds inspiring about Ginsburg is that, in her private life,

she embraced “the values and goals and aspiration­s that she had for our country.” Like the Ginsburgs, Priya and her husband, Tom, see raising their child as a joint project — not more her responsibi­lity than his. “That type of attitude needs to be present for men and women to succeed,” Madrecki adds.

Margo Schlanger, a professor of law at the University of Michigan, wrote in Time magazine that she and her husband clerked for Ginsburg at different times but that the connection brought them together. “She and her husband, Marty, demonstrat­ed the joys of a marriage of profession­al and personal

equals,” Schlanger wrote, and she and her husband “count ourselves beyond fortunate to have had the model of the Ginsburgs’ marriage as we created our own.”

Ginsburg was the first Supreme Court justice to officiate a same-sex couple’s marriage and was part of the court’s 2015 ruling to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide. She’s performed the nuptials of many other couples, including a profession­al opera singer, Alan Greenspan and Andrea Mitchell, and even a family friend this month.

On Ruth and Marty’s wedding day, Marty’s mother took Ruth aside to give her a small gift (wax ear plugs) and some marriage advice: “In every good marriage, it pays sometimes to be a little deaf.” Ginsburg has passed this wisdom on to celebrity couples such as Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez, and others have kept it in mind as well.

“I really feel like it’s been the cornerston­e of our marriage,” says Aimee Christian, a 47-year-old mother of two in New York. Christian says

the phrase reminds her to pay less attention to her husband’s initial reply to her suggesting tasks he might not want to do (grocery shopping, cleaning, assembling Ikea furniture) and wait until he comes around to yes. “Becausewe live together with our kids, we’re the first person to bounce an idea off each other,” she says. “I’ve learned to tune out the first response.”

If that first reaction isn’t what Christian was looking for, rather than become angry or frustrated, she’ll wait. “Either it will go away completely or he’ll come back and go: ‘You’re right.’ ” Christian adds that her husband is a little deaf with her as well, forgiving things she says. They’re both supersensi­tive people who can react strongly at times. “I don’t necessaril­y think a person’s first reaction is their real reaction,” she says.

Christian also sees this marriage advice as empowering words for her daughters, who are ages 9 and 10. “If they’re discourage­d by the first thing they hear,” she says, “they won’t get very far.”

 ?? Associated Press ?? Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her husband, Marty.
Associated Press Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her husband, Marty.

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