Houston Chronicle


- Don Thompson

California governor’s move to delay ban on fracking criticized.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Gov. Gavin Newsom moved last week to end issuing new hydraulic fracturing permits by 2024, a delay criticized by many environmen­tal groups but characteri­zed as legally and politicall­y realistic by another.

“He can suspend fracking now, but he is punting to the Legislatur­e,” Consumer Watchdog advocate Liza Tucker said.

Kassie Siegel, director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s Climate Law Institute, was equally critical, saying that the governor “can’t claim climate leadership while handing out permits to oil companies to drill and frack.”

Greenpeace USA’s Caroline Henderson said Newsom’s track record on fossil fuels “has only gotten worse,” while Food & Water Action California director Alexandra Nagy said his announceme­nt amounts to “lofty words and prediction­s, but no meaningful action.”

The Democratic governor signed an executive order to stop sales of new gasoline-powered passenger cars and trucks by 2035 while also announcing that he will ask the Legislatur­e next year to end new fracking permits by 2024.

The environmen­tal groups say he also already has the legal authority to end fracking, which they say threatens water supplies and public health while allowing for the continued use of fossil fuels that lead to global warming.

The technique allows energy companies to extract oil and gas from shale rock deep undergroun­d by injecting high-pres-sure mixtures of water, sand or gravel and chemicals into rock.

Siegel’s nonprofit conservati­on organizati­on on Monday notified Newsom that it intends to sue his administra­tion to stop what it says is the illegal permitting of 1,500 oil and gas wells just this year without the proper environmen­tal reviews.

The group cited a ProPublica and Palm Springs Desert Sun investigat­ion that found oil companies have reaped millions of dollars from selling the oil leaked from illegal spills with little punishment from state regulators they say are far too cozy with the petroleum industry.

California Independen­t Petroleum Associatio­n chief executive officer Rock Zierman meanwhile said the move will put thousands of people out of work, increase energy costs, and boost the use of foreign oil. The industry, he said, could help Newsom’s climate goals by removing carbon from the atmosphere, resulting in negative emissions.

California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson also slammed the governor for endangerin­g hundreds of thousands of high-paying oil and gas industry jobs.

Newsom defended his administra­tion’s regulation of the industry while insisting he can’t end fracking permits unilateral­ly.

“We simply don’t have that authority. That’s why we need the Legislatur­e to approve it,” he said.

Newsom said less than 2 percent of the state’s petroleum production comes from fracking. But he acknowledg­ed that “it also is symbolic” and touted his phase-out deadline as “a bold and big step.”

He said other regulation­s are under review that could include the sort of oil-drilling buffer zones that environmen­tal groups said Newsom should immediatel­y impose around homes and schools. Newsom’s executive order requires state agencies to come up with a plan by July to transition away from fossil fuels, a timetable that Consumer Watchdog’s Tucker called “a half loaf at best.”

Sierra Club California director Kathryn Phillips said her organizati­on is among those that believe the governor already has the authority to end fracking, but she acknowledg­ed that Newsom’s attorneys disagree.

If Newsom’s lawyers are right, obtaining the authority from lawmakers in 2021 and phasing out fracking by 2024, “is probably about as fast as he can go.”

“On the one hand, it’s not fast enough. On the other hand, what he’s committed to is more than what any previous governor has committed to,” Phillips said. “This governor is now saying he’s going to work with the Legislatur­e to get the power to ban fracking. That’s a good thing.”

 ?? Irfan Khan / Associated Press ?? California Gov. Gavin Newsom, left, signed an executive order to stop sales of new gasoline-powered passenger autos by 2035 and plans to end new fracking permits by 2024.
Irfan Khan / Associated Press California Gov. Gavin Newsom, left, signed an executive order to stop sales of new gasoline-powered passenger autos by 2035 and plans to end new fracking permits by 2024.

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