Houston Chronicle

Trump calls Fauci a ‘disaster’ on staff call

- By Michael Scherer and Josh Dawsey

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump dismissed precaution­s to prevent the spread of the coronaviru­s and attacked the nation’s top infectious-disease expert as a “disaster” Monday, saying people are getting tired of the focus on a pandemic that has killed more than 219,000 Americans and continues to infect thousands of people across the country.

The president claimed that voters do not want to hear more from the country’s scientific leaders about the pandemic, responding angrily to Anthony Fauci’s critical interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes.”

“People are tired of listen

ing to Fauci and these idiots,” Trump said in a call with his campaign staff Monday that was intended to instill confidence in his re-election bid two weeks before Election Day. He baselessly suggested that Fauci’s advice on how best to respond to the outbreak was so bad it would have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands more people.

“And yet we keep him,” Trump continued, calling in from his Las Vegas hotel. “Every day he goes on television there’s always a bomb, but there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him. But Fauci is a disaster.”

Later in the day, the president again criticized Fauci, mocking the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for his opening pitch at Nationals Park earlier this year and misreprese­nting some of the doctor’s positions on the coronaviru­s in a series of tweets.

Trump’s comments and his aggressive travel schedule, which continued Monday with two stops in Arizona as Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden holed up in his Delaware home, is part of a broader and more aggressive bet that the American public will reward his projection of strength and general defiance toward the virus, which hospitaliz­ed the president and infected many of his top aides this month.

He said Monday that Americans were no longer interested in taking precaution­s to prevent the spread of the coronaviru­s.

“They’re getting tired of the pandemic, aren’t we? You turn on CNN. That’s all they cover. COVID, COVID, pandemic. COVID, COVID, COVID. They’re trying to talk people out of voting. … People aren’t buying it, CNN, you dumb bastards,” Trump said at a rally in Arizona. The crowd was packed shoulder to shoulder outside, with few masks in sight.

Trump is expected to do three or four rallies a day starting this weekend, according to people familiar with the plans.

The president’s comments come as infection rates have risen in recent weeks amid cooling temperatur­es in more than half the states, with national daily infection rates returning to midsummer levels. Voters continue to give Trump poor marks on his handling of the pandemic; nearly 2 out of 3 voters in a Washington Post-ABC News poll this month said they were “very” or “somewhat” worried that they or a family member might catch the virus.

Trump aides said they had hoped the last-minute call with staffers would not become a story about the coronaviru­s. Senior advisers to the president say they still want the closing message to be about the economy and the negative impacts of a Biden victory, with a campaign focus on Florida, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvan­ia. They see the coronaviru­s — and the president’s handling of the pandemic — as their biggest political weakness, and Biden’s top advisers agree. But Trump continues to call attention to the outbreak.

For months, Trump has treated Fauci delicately even as divisions have grown, occasional­ly praising him and assuring Americans that he is intimately involved in the White House response. Trump’s campaign aides have even put excerpts from a Fauci interview into their advertisin­g, hoping to convince voters that the infectious-disease expert has approved of Trump’s response to the coronaviru­s. Fauci has reacted angrily to the ads, which he says quote him out of context.

“I do not and nor will I ever publicly endorse any political candidate,” Fauci said in his Sunday interview on “60 minutes.” “They’re sticking me right in the middle of a campaign ad, which I thought was outrageous.”

Trump tried to tie Biden to Fauci on Monday in a seeming attack that his Democratic rival said he welcomed.

“Hewants to listen to Dr. Fauci,” Trump said of Biden at the rally.

Biden said he considered the claim that he would listen to scientists “a badge of honor.”

The president was angry at Fauci after he was critical of Trump and the White House in the “60 Minutes” interview, saying that the president’s conduct made it unsurprisi­ng that he caught the coronaviru­s and that the administra­tion had tried to muzzle him. Fauci has a higher approval rating than the president, which has long rankled Trump, according to advisers who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussion­s.

Trump has been barnstormi­ng the West Coast in recent days, while Biden has mostly stayed out of public view, preparing for Thursday’s debate and avoiding the large crowds amid the pandemic.

On Monday afternoon, campaign manager Bill Stepien wrote a letter to the debate commission, seeking to move the conversati­on in the final debate away from domestic issues such as the coronaviru­s to foreign policy issues. The president’s aides have made clear that the president wants to debate the foreign business dealings of Biden’s youngest son, Hunter.

The Monday call had been scheduled as a staffwide morale booster, with top aides and the president presenting a rosy case for his re-election.

Trump also made a range of startling accusation­s and comments, including that Biden should be “in jail.”

“He’s a criminal,” Trump said, without offering evidence to what crime he allegedly had committed.

In closing, he offered some advice for his campaign’s employees, saying they need to “work their asses off.”

“You have two weeks,” he said. “Don’t listen to anybody. Don’t even read the papers.”

 ?? Matt York / Associated Press ?? President Donald Trump addresses a rally in Arizona, part of an extensive in-person campaign schedule ahead of the election.
Matt York / Associated Press President Donald Trump addresses a rally in Arizona, part of an extensive in-person campaign schedule ahead of the election.

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