Houston Chronicle

Give teachers more options


Support sought

Regarding “‘We have to be cautious’: Houston ISD’s school reopening brings nerves, excitement,” (Oct. 19): We say we support our teachers. Do we really? With most schools, including Houston ISD, returning to in-person classes, our schools and our teachers are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, with the threat of an increase in cases during the fall and winter, we need to support our schools and teachers more than ever. First, we need to understand that our teachers are stressed. Many have to teach in person and online, simultaneo­usly. At school, they are constantly concerned about exposure to children who may be asymptomat­ic but infectious. Second, teachers don’t just have themselves to be concerned about. They have their own children, elderly parents, friends and neighbors. Third, and perhaps most critical: We have been told that teachers might be forced to take personal or medical leave, or give up their jobs altogether, if they request teaching assignment­s that allow them to work only from home until there’s an effective vaccine. So what can we do? Ask schools to provide support to teachers to ameliorate their stress. Make sure school administra­tors and parent organizati­ons are always aware of teachers as caretakers. And finally, press school districts to adopt employment options that support those teachers who need to teach from home. The Wall Street Journal quoted a school leader saying, “There is nothing sadder than an empty school.” However, with the pandemic as the third leading cause of death in the United States, there are much sadder things.

Carolyn Nichol, Assistant Research Professor in Chemistry, Rice University, and Bob Wimpelberg, Former Dean, College of

Education, University of Houston

Paid Trump bump

I was a bit startled to open my Sunday paper to see an insert touting the president and his “accomplish­ments” in office. It was only when I took a hard look at the pages to see — in a microscopi­c font size at the bottom — that it was a paid partisan political advertisem­ent. Not clarifying matters, it was printed in the same paper stock, size, and coloring as many regular inserts. As a follower of journalism history and topics, I appreciate and understand that newspapers around the country, sadly, are shrinking in size and struggling to find any sources of ad revenue. I would have just liked to have seen more transparen­cy in this case. Otherwise, keep up your great and important work!

Bob Ruggiero, Houston

Sustainabi­lity matters

Regarding “Sustainabi­lity efforts matter to teams’ fans” (Oct. 16) Teams should hire staff to work in schools to be the outdoor education specialist­s who can be the project managers for roots and shoots action. All P.E. educators can teach conservati­on. Their students can get exercise anywhere by creating and maintainin­g vegetable gardens in their communitie­s and backyards. Outdoor education is an option for the required Physical Education credit Texas Education Code §74.74 (6)(A)(ii). Parents, ask if that option is available at your school. We can change climate change. Please watch Countdown to see what those around the world with fewer resources than in Houston are doing for their cities. I have lived in our beautiful city of Houston since 1949 and know together we can make Houston the sustainabi­lity capital of the world. Find Texas Children in Nature Houston and a place for your team.

Karen North, Keep Houston Beautiful


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