Houston Chronicle

Amoral vision, new narrative needed now

David Brooks says the past 50 years showa decline in social progress in this country, and the main reason is our laser focus on the individual.

- Brooks is a New York Times Op-Ed columnist.

This pivotal moment isn’t the result of four years of Donald Trump. It’s the culminatio­n of 50 years of social decay.

“The Upswing,” a remarkable new book by Robert D. Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett, puts this situation in stark relief. A careful work of social science, the book looks at American life from about 1870 to today across a range of sectors that are usually analyzed in separate academic silos.

The first important finding is that between the 1870s and the late 1960s a broad range of American social trends improved: Community activism surged, cross party collaborat­ion increased, income inequality fell, social mobility rose, church attendance rose, union membership rose, federal income taxes became more progressiv­e and social spending on the poor rose.

Many of us think that the gains for African Americans only happened after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but Putnam and Garrett show that the fastest improvemen­ts actually happened in the decades before. Black school attendance, income gains, homeowners­hip rates, voter registrati­on rates started rapidly improving in the 1940s and then started slowing in the 1970s and 1980s.

The American century was built during these decades of social progress. And then, around the late 1960s, it all turned south.

Over the past 50 years, the positive trends have reversed: membership in civic organizati­ons has collapsed, political polarizati­on has worsened, income inequality has widened, social trust has cratered, religious attendance is down, social mobility has decreased, deaths of despair have skyrockete­d and on and on.

Putnam and Garrett take the data from diverse spheres and produce different versions of the same chart, which is an inverted U. Until the late 1960s, American life was improving across a range of measures. Since then, it’s a story of decay.

Why did all these different things happen in unison and then suddenly turn around all at once? Maybe economic change drove everything? But no, the timing is off. Economic inequality widened a bit later than most of the other trends. Maybe it was political dysfunctio­n? Nope. That, too, happened a bit later.

The crucial change was in mindset and culture. As Putnam and Garrett write: “The story of the American experiment in the twentieth century is one of a long upswing toward increasing solidarity, followed by a steep downturn into increasing individual­ism. From ‘I’ to ‘we’ and back again to ‘I’.”

The frequency of the word “I” in American books, according to Putnam and Garrett, doubled between 1965 and 2008. The authors are careful not to put it into moralistic terms, but I’d say that, starting in the late 1960s, there was left-wing selfcenter­edness in the social and lifestyle sphere and right-wing self-centeredne­ss in the economic sphere, with a lack of support for common-good public policies. But it was socially celebrated self-centeredne­ss all the way across. It was based on a fallacy: If we all do our own thing, everything will work out well for everybody.

As I was reading the book, I was thinking of all the people who work at foundation­s, nonprofits and all the organizati­ons that try to help people in need and do social repair. I’m sure all these good people at these good places have done good things over the past 50 years, but they have failed to bend these curves. Social conditions got inexorably worse.

That’s because many were operating at the wrong level. They were trying to build programs that would “scale,” but they were swimming against the tide of culture, the pervasive individual­istic mentality, and all its social and political effects.

Putnam and Garrett hold up the Progressiv­e Movement, not as something we could go back to, but as a storehouse of lessons for us to adapt. Progressiv­ism was “first and foremost, amoral awakening.” Muckrakers exposed social evils. The survival of the fittest mentality was rejected. Then it was a civic renaissanc­e. Between 1870 and 1920 Americans created civic organizati­ons at a rate that’s never been equaled. Then it was a political movement. By 1912 all three major presidenti­al candidates ran as progressiv­es: William Taft, Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.

Today we need a political change, so we don’t have a leader who shreds the nation from the top. But the great missing pieces are in the civic and cultural spheres: a moral vision that inspires the rising generation, a new national narrative that unites a diverse people, actual organizati­ons where people work on local problems. As in 1870, it’s the work of a generation.

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