Houston Chronicle

America, land of the angry


Regarding “Happy endings in U.S. history are not guaranteed” (Nov. 1): I’m not sure what has happened in the last few years, but it seems that hatred has been given a pass and respect for your neighbor has all but dissolved. Driving habits have reached the level of insanity, people feel free to scream at strangers in the local park and uninformed judgments abound. Some supposedly pro-life people think that wearing a mask should be left to individual discretion, despite overwhelmi­ng evidence that not wearing masks has led to the unnecessar­y loss of American lives. How blind can hatred be? These same people, so worried about family values, stand by as Latin American children are ripped from their families and thrown into jails at the border. Supposed Christians have spurned their fellow man in fear of the myth of increased taxes. What happened to “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?” Forget blue or red; we need to start caring for all our neighbors.

Neda Henery waves a flag in support of President Trump in TheWoodlan­ds.

After 9/11, we came together as Americans. Why has COVID-19 not done the same? America is the land of the free — free to be anywhere on the gender and sexual orientatio­n spectrum, free to be whatever religion we choose and free to follow our dreams! America is blessed to be so diverse, and only when we fully have inclusion and care at every level of society can we truly be great.

Amy Kelly, Houston

 ?? Jason Fochtman / Staff photograph­er ??
Jason Fochtman / Staff photograph­er

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