Houston Chronicle

Former Aggies linebacker Solari, 49, dies

Pearland resident remained close to the program through the years

- By Brent Zwerneman STAFF WRITER brent.zwerneman@chron.com twitter.com/brentzwern­eman

COLLEGE STATION — Former Texas A&M linebacker Steven Solari, 49, died after a stroke, his family said Wednesday.

Solari, a former Willowridg­e High star who lettered at A&M from 1991-93 and lived in Pearland, had continued to stay engaged with the A&M program through the decades and had a strong following on Facebook and the fan website TexAgs.com because of his oft-inspiratio­nal messages and perpetual positivity.

What turned out to be his final post on Facebook on Nov. 23 read in part: “How many sunrises do I have left? Yesterday, today and tomorrow … the blueprint will always be the same … pray for what I have now (including the people) and be grateful for everything always.”

In a poignant Facebook post address announcing his death, Solari’s family wrote that “we will celebrate Steven’s life in a private Mass that will be streamed live.”

“In keeping with his generous spirit, Steven registered to be an organ donor in 2011,” his family wrote. “Although we have lost Steven as we know and love him, his gift will allow him to live through many who are in need of a life-saving transplant.

“While we mourn, we also celebrate knowing that Steven will continue to help others.”

The family also has set up a college fund for his children, Jack and Cate.

“Thank you for the prayers and incredible outpouring of love for Steven and our family,” his family wrote. “We ask that you continue to pray for us as we navigate this difficult time.”

 ??  ?? Steve Solari, who lettered from 1991-93, died after a stroke.
Steve Solari, who lettered from 1991-93, died after a stroke.

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