Houston Chronicle

For all Americans


Regarding “Root for America,” (A14, Jan. 20): Four years ago my husband and I were on a cruise during the elections. We left having done early voting and feeling confident that our candidate’s win would be historic. We saw the result that night and went to bed hoping that it was a mistake. In the morning we walked into breakfast where among thousands of people you could hear a pin drop, unlike the previous four years when the captain announced that President Barack Obama had won again and the guests started a conga line and the atmosphere was jubilant. We survived the chaos and the lying and hopefully now we will have a kind man as president. God bless Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Finally a president who is truly a president for all Americans no matter the color of your skin.

Marie Perez, Houston

Regarding “Texas GOP goes on the offensive,” (A1, Jan. 21): I am not antiimmigr­ation, but the Joe Biden plan to offer “an eight year path to citizenshi­p” for approximat­ely 11 million undocument­ed immigrants in the U.S. is as wrong as wrong can be and is not, as some believe, a moral imperative. It will encourage even more undocument­ed immigrants — witness the caravan currently en route from Honduras hoping for a change in U.S. laws — and is a slap in the face to those who legally immigrated to the U.S. DACA qualifiers should not be given citizenshi­p either, but for those who have met the rules, and continue to follow them, some sort of protected status should be allowed. The plan to admit more refugees into the U.S. is equally shortsight­ed, as would be a repeal of the Muslim travel ban.

I do not agree with Sen. Ted Cruz on several issues, but he is correct in stating the Democrats’ priority is on noncitizen­s who are here illegally and not on Americans, at least not on white Americans.

I did not vote for Biden or Donald Trump, but such liberal, progressiv­e Democratic proposals are exactly why so many did vote for Trump and are so angry.

Ike W Harper, Sugar Land

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