Houston Chronicle


- Heloise@heloise.com King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise:

I went to a housewarmi­ng party recently and, like everyone else, I brought a gift. It was a fire extinguish­er. However, the hostess was greatly offended that I would bring an extinguish­er for her kitchen, and said so in an email! She asked if it was a comment on her cooking skills. She claims if she has a kitchen fire all she has to do is toss cornstarch on the flames. Isn’t that a little dangerous?

— Kelly A., Denver

Kelly, cornstarch and flour are combustibl­e materials and could possibly cause an explosion.

Some people panic and toss water on a grease fire, which causes the flames to spread.

Baking soda can be used in place of an extinguish­er on a small fire, but a fire extinguish­er is really the best thing to use.

I think your housewarmi­ng gift was a terrific idea!

— Heloise

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