Houston Chronicle

Legislatur­e disregards the First Amendment

- By Amy Kristin Sanders and Daxton “Chip” Stewart Sanders is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Stewart is a journalism professor at Texas Christian University. Both are First Amendment experts.

Before the 2023 legislativ­e session, Texans should require their lawmakers to pass a class in constituti­onal law. The complete disregard for First Amendment rights during this legislativ­e session is shocking and saddening.

Last week, the Senate passed SB 4, which would require profession­al sports teams to play the national anthem. It was the brainchild of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who ironically worked in broadcasti­ng before entering politics.

Patrick was upset Mark Cuban’s Dallas Mavericks hadn’t been playing “The Star Spangled Banner” before home games. In a statement earlier this year, Cuban said, “We respect and always have respected the passion people have for the anthem and our country. But we also loudly hear the voices of those who feel that the anthem does not represent them. We feel that their voices need to be respected and heard because they have not been.”

In Patrick’s quest to mandate patriotism, he seems to have forgotten

about the First Amendment. Yes, that pesky right to freedom of speech that so inconvenie­ntly prohibits the state from doing exactly what SB 4 seeks to do: compel private actors to distribute a government-mandated message. In any other time and place, we’d associate such ridiculous­ness with Nicolás Maduro’s Venezuela or Kim Jong-Un’s North Korea.

SB 4 asserts that because teams play in taxpayer funded stadiums that the government has the right to control their speech. That’s simply untrue.

You might think that the U.S. Constituti­on has no bearing on what the state does; it’s clear the Legislatur­e

doesn’t believe it must respect the Bill of Rights. A long line of Supreme Court cases, however, tell us otherwise.

In 1943, the Supreme Court struck down a state requiremen­t that teachers and students salute the flag. Writing in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, Justice Robert H. Jackson noted, “If there is any fixed star in our constituti­onal constellat­ion, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalis­m, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.”

Thirty years later, the court ruled New Hampshire couldn’t force residents to display its “Live Free or Die” motto on their license plates. Both of these represent what First Amendment lawyers call “compelled speech” — being forced to say something against your will.

More recently, Chief Justice John Roberts reiterated this protection in Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutio­nal Rights, “Some of this Court’s leading First Amendment precedents have establishe­d the principle that freedom of speech prohibits the government from telling people what they must say.”

The court has repeatedly said that when the government wants to compel a private actor to speak, it must overcome a high burden. In 2018, the court ruled California could not require women’s clinics to post government-drafted notices. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote, “By compelling individual­s to speak a particular message, such notices alter the content of the speech.”

As a result, the U.S. Constituti­on protects you and profession­al sports teams from the government forcing us to play the national anthem. Sure, the NBA can and did make the Mavericks cue up the band, but the NBA is a private entity not subject to the First Amendment. The Texas Legislatur­e can no more compel teams to play the national anthem before games than they could require Pat Green’s “I Like Texas” afterward.

Although Patrick likely spearheade­d the bill, the chicanery is bipartisan, with SB 4 passing 28-2. Introducin­g unconstitu­tional laws certain to be challenged in court and struck down wastes Texans’ time and tax dollars. Plus, it’s downright embarrassi­ng for Texans who believe the right to protest and dissent are sacrosanct to our republic. Free speech is a fundamenta­l democratic value; protecting our speech rights (including those not to speak) isn’t a partisan issue. Tell your legislator­s that forcing teams to play the national anthem is anything but patriotic.

 ?? Jack Dempsey / Associated Press file photo ?? Denver Nuggets and Dallas Mavericks players take a knee during the national anthem in January.
Jack Dempsey / Associated Press file photo Denver Nuggets and Dallas Mavericks players take a knee during the national anthem in January.

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