Houston Chronicle

Biden’s plan causes fever for ‘states’ rights’

- Michael Taylor is a columnist for the San Antonio Express-News and author of “The Financial Rules for New College Graduates.” michael@michaelthe­smart money.com |twitter.com/michael_taylor

Few, including me, really understand what President Joe Biden’s signature $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan contains.

We know it included those sweet $1,400 stimulus checks. And it had a $86 billion bailout of union pension funds, which I’ve written about.

It also sparked a kerfuffle about states’ rights, the subject of today’s column.

Although passed in March with zero GOP votes, the COVID-19 stimulus package is popular with a swath of Republican voters, though not a majority, according to polls.

One group very much not happy with at least one provision of the law is Republican attorneys general from 21 states. They claimed in a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen that it contains a tax provision that is “the greatest attempted invasion of state sovereignt­y by Congress in the history of our Republic.”

Those are some fighting words right there.

It’s worth digging into their claim a bit to see if the attorneys general are right.

We start with the fact that a big part of the stimulus bill involves a transfer of federal

dollars to states, counties and cities in grants totaling $350 billion. The aim was to cover budget shortfalls resulting from COVID-19’s impact on local economies through 2024.

A key provision — the part that had the 21 attorneys general in a high dudgeon — says that the same cities, counties and states may not use the funds for tax cuts.

On the face of it, that seems entirely reasonable. We Americans wouldn’t like to award Oklahoma an extra $20 billion in federal dollars to cover its budget deficit, only to have the state turn around and cut state taxes by $20 billion. That seems patently unfair. (Unless you’re from Oklahoma. In which case, it’s totally fair!)

States or local government­s that violate the law would have to refund their grant money to the federal government. Reports on uses of funds are meant to ensure compliance with the law.

The prohibitio­n on state or local government­s doing a tax offset starts out fair. But it also includes a reference to “indirect” tax offsets — which, the attorneys general claim, possibly would make any tax reduction between now and 2024 impossible. That’s the part that, in their words, “would represent an unpreceden­ted and unconstitu­tional infringeme­nt on the separate

sovereignt­y of the States.”

Basically, if state legislatur­es cannot set tax policy, including lowering taxes at times, then the federal government has usurped state policy. The federal government, in their view, oversteppe­d its bounds, wielding undue power over states.

Conservati­ve columnist George Will weighed in with a history lesson on how the Supreme Court has jealously guarded states’ rights to set their own fiscal policies, in light of the 10th Amendment. It states that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constituti­on, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the

states respective­ly, or to the people.”

As Will explains, Congress has at times used fiscal coercion: over the national drinking age (against South Dakota) and sometimes over a state’s right to dispose of radioactiv­e waste (against New York). In this fight, Will sides with the attorneys general, seeing in the provision a progressiv­e drive to increase the size and scope of the federal government against the states.

On the other side, however, is the reasonable expectatio­n that it’s not fair to beggar the federal government to reward certain state residents with

tax cuts. And in the past, the Supreme Court has backed Congress’ ability to set limits and restrictio­ns on federal grants, as long as the conditions are closely linked to the purposes of the funds. There’s a “reasonable­ness” versus “coercion” standard that the Supreme Court references in these cases.

Bitter fights over state versus federal power are as old as the union. Historical­ly, “states’ rights” claims have been used to justify the worst racist policies. States’ rights was the principled-sounding claim of slaveholdi­ng states in the decades before the Civil War and when they formed the Confederac­y.

States’ rights sounded like a reasonable constituti­onalist argument for postRecons­truction Jim Crow laws. To forget that context for states’ rights arguments is to forget our history.

And yet, state and local leaders should jealously guard their right to set fiscal policy in this scenario. Unlike many historical states’ rights fights, this one truly seems to be about money — and who gets to set up rules for its use.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen replied to the attorneys general and attempted to lower the rhetorical temperatur­e.

Her promise is that Treasury will carefully weigh whether state tax policy specifical­ly offsets the stimulus money. Further, Treasury will consider the limits of tax offsets, meaning a small tax cut does not require a full refund of the state’s stimulus money.

The rhetoric is heated. But I’m pretty sure nobody called each other demeaning names over Twitter. For my part, I prefer this kind of wonky fiscal policy fight to the scorched-earth, tribal wars we’ve witnessed in Washington in recent years.

 ?? Amr Alfiky / New York Times ?? President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan involves a transfer of $350 billion to states, provided the funds aren’t used for tax cuts.
Amr Alfiky / New York Times President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan involves a transfer of $350 billion to states, provided the funds aren’t used for tax cuts.

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