Houston Chronicle

Biden’s bold plans and the laws of financial physics


President Joe Biden is pitching a pair of federal spending and taxation bills intended to have transforma­tive effects on the economy and the role of government in the economy. The $2 trillion American Jobs Plan aims to rebuild physical infrastruc­ture such as roads and bridges and provide federal boosts to workforce developmen­t, in-home care and domestic manufactur­ing. The $1.8 trillion American Families Plan includes targeted tax credits and education spending to benefit middle- and lower-income earners as well as a plan to raise revenue through higher corporate taxes and taxes on higher earners and holders of wealth.

If the twin proposals pass with narrow Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, it would herald changes on a scale with Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society.

I’m asking myself three questions about these plans. I figure I’m unlikely to sway your fixed opinions either way, but here goes. My questions are:

Is massive federal government stimulus spending on infrastruc­ture a good idea right now?

Are higher taxes on corporatio­ns and wealthy households, combined with targeted tax breaks for lower earners, a good idea right now?

Is increasing the federal debt a good idea right now?

Each of these questions can be considered on economic terms, political terms and moral terms. As a citizen, I’m interested in all of these questions, on all three terms.

Let’s start with the plan for massive infrastruc­ture spending at this moment in the economic cycle. It’s surprising.

What I mean is that in a sluggish, ailing economy — with above 10 percent unemployme­nt like the Great Depression or even the Great Recession after 2008 — a massive government stimulus push makes

tremendous sense. That’s basic Keynesian economics.

We’re not in that zone right now. The April 2021 unemployme­nt rate was 6.1 percent. Yes, that unemployme­nt rate is still worse than pre-COVID levels (3.5 percent unemployme­nt in February 2020), but we haven’t yet fully reopened the economy.

Vaccinatio­ns, herd immunity and resumption of economic normalcy may naturally get us back to the relatively roaring economy of pre-pandemic February 2020 without any further federal stimulus. The stock market is hitting new highs every week. (Yes, I know the stock market is not the economy, but it is a highly visible leading indicator, which is why we refer to it). Real estate prices are, in general, on fire. (Yes, housing is also not the economy, but it is an important and visible subsector of it.) And the latest GDP number showed 6.4 percent annual growth, higher than the normal trend. A massive stimulus bill right now feels, at the very least, unpreceden­ted. I harbor strong doubts about the size and timing of this one.

What about the American Family Plan for higher taxes on corporatio­ns, higher earners and capital gains taxes? I am for it. I mean this more as a moral statement than an economic statement, because inequality is a leading problem of our time. But I also think this plan is OK economical­ly. First, that’s because we need the additional revenue. Second, because the tax changes merely roll us back to times when the economy also grew strongly under higher corporate and upper income rates. Third, because tax rates and tax policy should alleviate, not exacerbate, inequality.

And the child and family support measures? I believe in expanded pre-K and community college access both morally and as an economic measure. Poverty alleviatio­n similarly has both moral and economic benefits, and we need to do more of those as well. We’ll be both a richer and a better society for it. Finally, what about expanding federal debt right now? Phew. This is the craziest part of the conversati­on. And it’s a conversati­on we’re kind of not even having. Republican­s blew their authority and credibilit­y on the issue of fiscal responsibi­lity long ago.

If Biden gets this passed, it will mark a wholly different direction than the Clinton and Obama presidenci­es. Despite what critics said at the time and after, the Clinton administra­tion prided itself on shrinking government. It actually balanced the federal budget and set a course for retiring federal debt. That seems forever ago but it was merely the year 2000. In that same spirit, Obama politicall­y hamstrung his signature health care legislatio­n by requiring that it pay for itself and not increase the federal deficit. In hindsight, this lack of generosity probably doomed it in the eyes of the many Americans who needed it most.

After a career in Congress built on being a deficit hawk, Paul Ryan shepherded a unified Republican Congress and executive branch to pass a $1.5 trillion tax cut in 2017, a cut that overwhelmi­ngly favored upperincom­e earners and corporatio­ns. This is the opposite move a real deficit hawk would make, but Ryan sank his own reputation for those sweet tax cuts.

When the W. Bush and Trump administra­tions massively increased federal debt despite the Republican Party’s claim to favor fiscal responsibi­lity and limited government, Democrats seemed to have internaliz­ed a whole different approach to government debt. Democrats are no longer willing to self-limit as they did in the past. At this point they are daring the cowards and hypocrites in the Republican Party to stop them.

I honestly don’t know what to think about the additional deficit spending. We’re in total YOLO territory. It feels like the Washington, D.C., version of lots of things I don’t understand about money in 2021, like GameStop, Bitcoin, SPACs and NFTs. The assumption­s we long held about fundamenta­ls and financial gravity don’t seem to hold anymore.

“It’s different this time” are frequently called the four most dangerous words in finance. It’s been different for a while when it comes to deficit spending, as the laws of financial physics are seemingly suspended. I don’t get it. I continue to worry about gravity.

 ?? Leigh Vogel / Bloomberg ?? President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan aims to rebuild infrastruc­ture and provide federal boosts to workforce developmen­t and more.
Leigh Vogel / Bloomberg President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan aims to rebuild infrastruc­ture and provide federal boosts to workforce developmen­t and more.
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 ?? AP file photo ?? If President Joe Biden’s American Families Plan and American Jobs Plan are passed, it would herald changes on a scale not seen since President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society.
AP file photo If President Joe Biden’s American Families Plan and American Jobs Plan are passed, it would herald changes on a scale not seen since President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society.

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