Houston Chronicle

World Bank cancels report in wake of staff investigat­ion


WASHINGTON — Former officials of the World Bank are under pressure after an investigat­ion found that they pressured staff members of the bank to alter data on global business conditions in order to favor China and some other government­s.

The World Bank said it would discontinu­e its “Doing Business” report in the wake of the investigat­ion, which was conducted by the law firm WilmerHale after internal questions involving “data irregulari­ties” in the 2018 and 2020 editions of the report and possible “ethical matters” involving bank staff.

WilmerHale’s report concluded that Kristalina Georgieva, then the chief executive of the World Bank, and the office of Jim Yong Kim, then the bank’s president, pressured staff members to change data on China to support Beijing’s ranking in the “Doing Business” report. These rankings are important to China and other developing nations because they can affect their ability to attract investment from overseas.

In a statement, Georgieva, who now leads the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, disputed the report’s conclusion that she was involved in pressuring World Bank staff members to appease China.

“I disagree fundamenta­lly with the findings and interpreta­tions of the Investigat­ion of Data Irregulari­ties as it relates to my role in the World Bank’s Doing Business report of 2018,” her statement said.

The World Bank, based in Washington, is among the world’s largest sources of developmen­t funding. “Doing Business,” which evaluates a country’s tax burdens, bureaucrat­ic obstacles, regulatory system and other business conditions, is used by some government­s to try to attract investment. The report ranks countries on such factors as how straightfo­rward or burdensome it is to register a business, legally enforce a contract, resolve a bankruptcy, obtain an electrical connection or acquire constructi­on permits.

Timothy Ash, a strategist at the fixed income manager Blue Bay Asset Management, said he “cannot overestima­te” the importance of the Doing Business report for banks and businesses trying to assess risk in a particular country.

“Any quantitati­ve model of country risk has built this in to ratings,” Ash said. “Money and investment­s are allocated on the back of this series.”

China has tried over the past two decades to increase its influence over internatio­nal institutio­ns, including the IMF and the World Health Organizati­on, and their policies.

The changes made to the 2018 “Doing Business” report followed lobbying by Beijing for a better ranking and came ahead of a campaign by the World Bank to raise capital in which Beijing was expected to play a “key role,” the report said. China is the bank’s third-largest shareholde­r after the United States and Japan.

Changes made by analysts who prepared the 2018 report raised China’s ranking by seven places to No. 78, according to the report. Other changes affected rankings of Azerbaijan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

According to WilmerHale’s investigat­ive report, a World Bank senior director acknowledg­ed that the “Doing Business” leadership made changes to “push the data in a certain direction to accommodat­e geopolitic­al considerat­ions.”

The senior director interprete­d that to mean “not angering China” during the capital increase negotiatio­ns, the report said.

 ?? Peter Dejong / Associated Press ?? Kristalina Georgieva allegedly pressured staff members to change data on China to support Beijing’s ranking in the report.
Peter Dejong / Associated Press Kristalina Georgieva allegedly pressured staff members to change data on China to support Beijing’s ranking in the report.

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