Houston Chronicle

Democrats must act if the nation has a prayer

Jennifer Rubin says the white, right-wing Republican evangelica­l base doesn’t realize that America is losing its religion.

- Rubin writes opinion columns for the Washington Post.

New polling data highlight the extent to which Americans are continuing to abandon organized religious institutio­ns. That’s ominous news for the far right, which overwhelmi­ng relies on white evangelica­ls for political power.

The Pew Research Center reported Tuesday that a “survey of the religious compositio­n of the United States finds the religiousl­y unaffiliat­ed share of the public is 6 percentage points higher than it was five years ago and 10 points higher than a decade ago.”

Perhaps most significan­tly, “Christians continue to make up a majority of the U.S. populace, but their share of the adult population is 12 points lower in 2021 than it was in 2011.” In particular, the group that is the core of the GOP base is in steep decline: “Today, 24 percent of U.S. adults describe themselves as born-again or evangelica­l Protestant­s, down 6 percentage points since 2007.” Meanwhile, the religious group that leans heavily to the left is growing: “Currently, about 3 in 10 U.S. adults (29 percent) are religious ‘nones’ — people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or ‘nothing in particular’ when asked about their religious identity.”

Robert Jones, head of the Public Religion Research Institute, tells me that his organizati­on’s own surveys show the same sort of drop-off among religiousl­y affiliated Americans. Democrats are doing three times as well as Republican­s in attracting the growing market of “nones.” One in 3 Democrats is a “none,” compared with 1 in 10 Republican­s.

“As the country’s religious and racial demographi­cs have shifted, particular­ly over the last decade, the Democratic Party has changed with the times, while the Republican Party remains rooted in the past,” Jones tells me. “To put this starkly, in terms of their religious and racial compositio­n, the Democratic Party mirrors 30-year-old America, while the Republican Party mirrors 70-year-old America.”

Rather than address this problem by expanding their appeal, white evangelica­l Republican­s have panicked and doubled down on their politics of grievance and resentment. Their aim, it seems, is to attract every white evangelica­l they can find and disable the votes of everyone else.

“These dynamics are one of the chief drivers not only of the MAGA appeals to nostalgia for a 1950s-era white Christian America, but also for the heavy-handed tactics of extreme gerrymande­ring, restrictiv­e voting laws, voter suppressio­n and the ongoing attempts to allow Republican-controlled state legislatur­es to throw out the results of fair elections,” Jones explains. “These anti-democratic bulwarks represent a visceral, desperate attempt to retain a minority, white Christian rule against the rising tide of religious and demographi­c change.”

Democrats and our democratic system cannot simply wait for the demographi­c wave to save the country from the authoritar­ian right. Our democracy is in peril now, and the future of democracy in just the next few years is in doubt.

So long as Republican­s make it harder for Democratic voters to cast ballots and booby-trap election administra­tion, white evangelica­ls’ antagonism toward democracy and diversity will retain, if not expand, their disproport­ionate power. Refusal to address this issue directly advantages the pro-authoritar­ian right and erodes the concept of democracy. Whenever the minority abuses the system in order to enhance its power, voters will find the government increasing­ly out of sync with their views, values and concerns.

The most egregious example of white minority rule reflecting an outdated set of values might be the right-wing justices on the Supreme Court, appointed by presidents lacking a popular-vote majority and confirmed by the disproport­ionate power of red-state senators. As they impose a set of religious views on the rest of the country (e.g., insisting a fetus is a person from conception), the court and our democracy face a crisis of credibilit­y.

Likewise, when white evangelica­ls can stymie popular legislatio­n through a minority of their red-state senators via the filibuster, the majority will discover how broken our system has become.

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