Houston Chronicle

Who and where will be next?


Regarding “Potential mass shooter or ‘gun-loving Texan’? Gun laws complicate Galleria incident,” (July 15): Reading the story about Guido Herrera in Saturday’s Chronicle made me wonder what and when will be the next time Herrera goes some place fully loaded with guns and ammunition. I feel like he will eventually do some killing and then Gov. Abbott can say it was because of mental illness and not because of the number and type of guns that were available and allowed to him. Isn’t there something that could be done now to help him instead of waiting for the inevitable? It seems so sad to me and many others that we are in a situation of wondering who and where will be the next killings.

Rae Gerson, Houston

Regarding “Thumbs: Thanks Jill Biden. Only thing Texans love more than tacos is arguing about them.” (July 15): Saturday’s Thumbs gives the Texas Legislatur­e a “thumbs up” for having an estimated $27 million budget surplus for its 2023 session. I don’t know why. Perhaps the authors believe that the Legislatur­e will spend some of that money addressing the many desperate needs of Texas citizens, from teacher salaries to a dangerousl­y dysfunctio­nal foster care system. If so, they miss the point of that surplus.

It’s not there to address our needs; it exists solely to allow the state’s Republican leaders to brag about having a surplus. Good luck getting the Legislatur­e to actually spend any of it on what the people need. If you’re a teacher, or a foster child in clear danger, you’ll be as out of luck as always.

Frank Ohrt, Houston

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