Houston Chronicle

War hangs over U.N. meeting on nukes treaty

- By Jennifer Peltz

UNITED NATIONS — There was already plenty of trouble to talk about when a major U.N. meeting on the landmark Nuclear Nonprolife­ration Treaty was originally supposed to happen in 2020.

Now the pandemic-postponed conference finally starts Monday as Russia’s war in Ukraine has reanimated fears of nuclear confrontat­ion and cranked up the urgency of trying to reinforce the 50-year-old treaty.

“It is a very, very difficult moment,” said Beatrice Fihn, the executive director of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Internatio­nal Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

Russia’s invasion, accompanie­d by ominous references to its nuclear arsenal, “is so significan­t for the treaty and really going to put a lot of pressure on this,” she said. “How government­s react to the situation is going to shape future nuclear policy.”

The four-week meeting aims to generate a consensus on next steps, but expectatio­ns are low for a substantia­l — if any — agreement.

Still, Swiss President Ignazio Cassis, prime ministers Fumio Kishida of Japan and Frank Bainimaram­a of Fiji, and more than a dozen nations’ foreign ministers are among attendees expected from at least 116 countries, according to a U.N. official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly before the conference.

In force since 1970, the Nonprolife­ration Treaty has the widest adherence of any arms control agreement. Some 191 countries have joined.

Nations without nuclear weapons promised not to acquire them, while nuclear-armed Britain, China, France, Russia (then the Soviet Union) and the United States agreed to negotiate toward eliminatin­g their arsenals someday. All endorsed everyone’s right to develop peaceful nuclear energy.

India and Pakistan, which didn’t sign, went on to get the bomb. So did North Korea, which ratified the pact but later announced it was withdrawin­g. Non-signatory Israel is believed to have a nuclear arsenal but neither confirms nor denies it.

Nonetheles­s, the Nonprolife­ration Treaty has been credited with limiting the number of nuclear newcomers (U.S. President John F. Kennedy once foresaw as many as 20 nuclear-armed nations by 1975) and serving as a framework for internatio­nal cooperatio­n on disarmamen­t.

The total number of nuclear weapons worldwide has shrunk by more than 75 percent from a mid-1980s peak, largely due to the end of the Cold War between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union. But experts estimate roughly 13,000 warheads remain worldwide, the vast majority in the U.S. and Russia.

Meetings to assess how the treaty is working are supposed to happen every five years, but the 2020 conference was repeatedly delayed by the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Challenges have only grown in the meantime.

When launching the Ukraine war in February, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that any attempt to interfere would lead to “consequenc­es you have never seen” and emphasized that his country is “one of the most potent nuclear powers.” Days later, Putin ordered Russia’s nuclear forces to be put on higher alert, a move that U.N. SecretaryG­eneral Antonio Guterres called “bone-chilling.”

“The prospect of nuclear conflict, once unthinkabl­e, is now back within the realm of possibilit­y,” he said.

The events in Ukraine create a tricky choice for the upcoming conference, said Patricia Lewis, a former U.N. disarmamen­t research official.

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