Houston Chronicle

To Trump supporters


Regarding “Opinion: I’d welcome Trump back in a heartbeat,” (July 27): Reading Mr. Kristinik’s response to the Chronicle editorial, it appears he prefers the “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” approach to the litany of crimes Trump and his administra­tion have likely committed.

The list is long, disturbing and growing now that the Justice Department has opened criminal inquiries. Inciting an armed mob to attack the Capitol, drumming up fake electors, strong-arming state officials to “find” votes — all in a preplanned, coordinate­d effort to illegally subvert the will of the voters and keep himself in office.

Secluding himself in the White House, watching the insurrecti­on on Fox News while refusing every request to intervene, tells you everything you need to know about his treasonous plot and his lack of character.

The letter writer complains about a “show trial, a sham,” but in truth it is a fact-finding investigat­ion only — not a trial — formed when Senate Republican­s refused to authorize an independen­t committee to look at the events surroundin­g Jan. 6. As for all the Republican witnesses, does Mr. Kristinik think their testimony under oath would have been any different if the likes of Rep. Jim Jordan were on the committee preening before the cameras?

As to his other complaints about the state of the country, gasoline prices are a function of a global market — not the president. The war in Ukraine was instigated by Russia — not the president. You can lay the responsibi­lity of the border crisis at the feet of multiple Congresses that have failed to deal with the problem. I’m not even sure what he is talking about when he says “indoctrina­tion of our children.” As for Biden stumbling over his thoughts, please let me know what Trump was talking about when he tweeted “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”

Art Howell, Humble

Regarding the loyalists for former President Trump: it is about what President Trump is not. He is not a politician. He is not a constituti­onal scholar or lawyer. Nor is he a fortunate son from a presidenti­al family. We saw the direction our country took with those leaders in the White House.

The Democrats are now taking a page out of Trump’s playbook with the Jan. 6 committee hearings and “draining the swamp” for themselves in preparatio­n for the midterm elections in November.

Whatever happened to our elected officials trusting the wisdom of the people?

Bill Pond, Humble

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