Houston Chronicle

Chileans set to reject new constituti­on

Vote against progressiv­e document deals major blow to nation’s youngest president

- By Daniel Politi

SANTIAGO, Chile — Chileans resounding­ly rejected a new constituti­on to replace a charter imposed by the dictatorsh­ip of Gen. Augusto Pinochet 41 years ago, dealing a stinging setback to President Gabriel Boric who argued the document would have ushered in a progressiv­e era.

With 96 percent of the votes counted in Sunday’s plebiscite, the rejection camp had 61.9 percent support compared to 38.1 percent for approval amid what appeared to be a heavy turnout with long lines at polling states. Voting was mandatory.

The approval camp conceded defeat, with its spokesman Vlado Mirosevic saying: “We recognize this result, and we listen with humility to what the Chilean people have expressed.”

The rejection of the document was broadly expected in this country of 19 million as months of pre-election polling had shown Chileans had grown wary of the document that was written up by a constituen­t assembly in which a majority of delegates were not affiliated with a political party.

“Today we’re consolidat­ing a great majority of Chileans who saw rejection as a path of hope,” said Carlos Salinas, a spokesman for the Citizens’ House for Rejection. “We want to tell the government of President Gabriel Boric… that ‘Today you must be the president of all Chileans, and together we must move forward.’ ”

Despite these expectatio­ns, no analyst or pollster had predicted such a large margin for the rejection camp, showing how Chileans were not ready to support a charter that would have been one of the most progressiv­e in the world and would have fundamenta­lly changed the South American country.

The proposed charter was the first in the world to be written by a convention split equally between male and female delegates, but critics said it was too long, lacked clarity and went too far in some of its measures, which included characteri­zing Chile as a plurinatio­nal state, establishi­ng autonomous Indigenous territorie­s, and prioritizi­ng the environmen­t.

“The constituti­on that was written now leans too far to one side and does not have the vision of all Chileans,” Roberto Briones, 41, said after voting in Chile’s capital of Santiago. “We all want a new constituti­on, but it needs to have a better structure.”

The result deals a major blow to Boric, who at 36 is Chile’s youngest-ever president. He had tied his fortunes so closely to the new document that analysts said it was likely some voters saw the plebiscite as a referendum on his government at a time when his approval ratings have been falling since he took office in March.

What happens now amounts to a big question mark. Chilean society at large, and political leadership of all stripes, have agreed the constituti­on that dates from the country’s 1973-1990 dictatorsh­ip must change. The process that will be chosen to write up a new proposal still has to be determined and will likely be the subject of hard-fought negotiatio­ns between the country’s political leadership.

Boric has called on the heads of all political parties for a meeting to determine the path forward.

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