Houston Chronicle

Midterm elections


Regarding “Fact check: Is Biden’s student debt forgivenes­s really ‘a bailout for rich kids’?,” (Sept. 5): The Democrats say, how can I buy votes? Let us count some of the ways. There’s the Student Loan Forgivenes­s Plan which uses the HEROES Act of 2003 as justificat­ion for the debt cancellati­on. This act was designed to let the executive branch assist the student loan situations of service members fighting the war on terror. Also, there is an extension of the pause on repayment through December 2022. Very appealing to an age group that has shown lack of support for the current administra­tion. Wow, and all of this action just months before the midterm elections! Nothing has been suggested to control the cost of a college education. Colleges will continue to raise costs, perhaps with the hope that future students will assume their loans will also be canceled. Where does it all stop? Will mortgage payments and credit card debt be the next to be forgiven? Many progressiv­es were rightfully disturbed by President Donald Trump’s abuse of executive power, but now they embrace emergency power discussion­s like flies on a dead fish. Michael Spiech, Sugar Land

Regarding “Hidalgo, Harris County Dems hope for boost from abortion, national trends, but races still competitiv­e over crime, economy,” (Sept. 5): County Judge Lina Hidalgo has called out Sen. John Whitmire of her own party for using Republican talking points making the false claim that she and commission­ers Rodney Ellis and Adrian Garcia are defunding the police. Hidalgo’s claim that the politics of the mayor’s race in 2023 explains Whitmire’s position fails to address the voting calculatio­ns in that race. Whitmire has two announced and well-funded opponents who are both African American. If he is to win, it will be with white voters and Republican­s who are listening to his talking points.

But what he fails to consider is that if Hidalgo loses to her Republican opponent this November, the entire Democratic Party will be his opposition. David Jones, Houston

It seems that no one is asking Alexandra Mealer the important questions. Everyone is in favor of reducing crime and supporting the economy. What we should be concerned about is turning the control of our Harris County government over to politician­s who believe the Big Lie, that our elections are fraudulent and that further restrictin­g voting will fix it. I realize that politician­s outright lie to get elected (look at Greg Abbott) but support for Trump and the claim of fraudulent elections seems to be a fundamenta­l requiremen­t for Republican­s. Mealer needs to make her positions clear and give straight answers. Bill Owens, Houston

 ?? Tribune News Serivce ?? A reader says President Joe Biden, shown with Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, is trying to buy votes with the student loan relief plan.
Tribune News Serivce A reader says President Joe Biden, shown with Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, is trying to buy votes with the student loan relief plan.

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