Houston Chronicle

Paxton trial like no other


Regarding “Paxton trial will be must-see TV featuring DeGuerin and Hardin dream team (Thumbs),” ( June 3): The Houston Chronicle editorial board noted that Kenneth Paxton could resign rather than face an impeachmen­t trial with overwhelmi­ng evidence against him. That would be such a disappoint­ment and would deprive the people of Texas. With Ken Paxton on trial in a courtroom presided over by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and a jury of state senators (including his wife, Angela Paxton) who have received hefty campaign contributi­ons from donors allied with Paxton, the trial promises moments as serious, balanced and well-thought-out as the recently completed legislativ­e session. It will be an event like no other in Texas history. Molly Ivins should be resurrecte­d to attend. Wright Williams, Houston

Regarding “Tomlinson: Oil billionair­es back activists on crusade to defend impeached Texas AG Ken Paxton,” ( June 5): Upon reading the Sunday column by Chris Tomlinson, I can only conclude that he is of the opinion that the integrity of some of our elected state senators is for sale. Tomlinson named two West Texas billionair­es who, he claims, are bankrollin­g the defense of impeached Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Paxton is entitled to a fair and impartial trial in the Senate. But, as has been reported, he has already communicat­ed with several senators to the effect that he will work toward their defeat in upcoming elections if he is found guilty as charged in the articles of impeachmen­t. To my thinking, that is a prime example of a lack of integrity on Paxton’s part and ample evidence that he is unworthy of the position to which he was elected.

The impeachmen­t trial will be a spectacle of battling legal titans Rusty Hardin and Dick DeGueren versus, potentiall­y, Tony Buzbee (In a sincedelet­ed Instagram post, he said he was retained to represent Paxton). Should be very interestin­g.

Bill Bentley, La Porte

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