Houston Chronicle

Misplaced priorities


Regarding “Biden and Trump in Texas play political games over border security, immigratio­n,” (March 1): Thanks to Chris Tomlinson for telling it like it is regarding (Gov. Greg) Abbott’s border obsession. It looks like any Republican leader who needs a little momentum can come grandstand at the Texas border. Abbott continues to play to his extreme audience even while he knows that only congressio­nal action can make real change at our borders. He’s happy following the playbook of the Washington Republican­s who cry for strong immigratio­n policies only to reject them in favor of continuing a spectacle when they’re offered them. He’s wasting time and money.

Abbott’s obsession with the border and school vouchers are costing Texas taxpayers a fortune. He called four special legislativ­e sessions to ram through school vouchers, which are essentiall­y tax-funded religious education. He was defeated, swore vengeance on Republican­s who supported their communitie­s’ public schools, and left our public schools underfunde­d when we had surplus money.

Texas’ public institutio­ns continue to crumble while our state leaders pursue the extreme positions of donors with deep pockets. It’s past time to start giving them the boot, beginning with those legislator­s and Supreme Court justices up for election who always favor very narrow religious views or the size of special interest donors’ pockets. Register, get informed and vote to keep our civic institutio­ns strong for our communitie­s.

Pegg y Sweeney, Houston

In a move that underscore­s misplaced priorities, Gov. (Greg) Abbott has once again demonstrat­ed a concerning inconsiste­ncy in his approach to governance. Recently, Abbott rejected federal aid grants aimed at supporting the education and welfare of Texas children, all while doubling down on restrictiv­e abortion policies. This decision reflects a troubling pattern of neglecting the needs of vulnerable Texans while prioritizi­ng divisive political agendas.

At a time when many families are grappling with economic hardship exacerbate­d by low wages, such callous disregard for the wellbeing of children is unconscion­able. Seems like he only wants to protect the unborn, but once they are here, he wants nothing to do with them!

Abbott seems more invested in advancing the ideologica­l agenda of West Texas billionair­es than in serving the best interests of the people he was elected to represent. Abbott and state lawmakers must reassess their priorities and refocus their efforts on addressing the real challenges facing Texas families. Stop wasting time and resources on divisive and harmful policies. Prioritize investment­s in education, health care and social services that will uplift communitie­s and create a brighter future for all Texans. Anything less is a disservice to the people of Texas and a betrayal of the principles of good governance.

P. J. Bailey, Missouri City

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