Houston Chronicle

Dear Abby:

- www.DearAbby.com Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n

I am 34 and recently found out I have started menopause. I knew it might come early for me because most of the women in my family began in their 30s and were done by 50. I have no biological children and now probably never will. I guess I waited too long for the right time, the right person, etc. I was always careful to use birth control when I became sexually active and never left it up to my partner.

I am now having a hard time coping with this feeling of loss. I know I shouldn’t be grieving something I never had, but I find myself tearing up thinking about it. I’m angry at myself for missing out on it. I have been married to a wonderful man for almost two years, but we have been together for 10. I wanted to be married and financiall­y stable before having children.

I feel like I’m being punished. My poor husband takes the brunt of my frustratio­ns and anger, which isn’t fair, and I apologize when it happens, but I find myself slowly drifting into isolation because of it. I don’t know what to do anymore. Any advice?

Grieving In Oregon

Dear Grieving: Your feelings are understand­able. It’s time to seek counseling for help to stop blaming yourself or your husband and cope with your feelings of sadness, anger and frustratio­n. Once that is done, it may be time to consider your options for fulfilling your maternal instincts. These include fostering, adoption, surrogacy and volunteer mentoring. Please consider them.

Dear Abby:

Three years ago, I discovered I was being excluded by my co-workers. I have tried to not let it bother me, but it’s starting to wear me down emotionall­y. I work in a dental office with a staff of seven women. I have worked with two of them for almost 20 years, and I always thought we had a friendship because we would go to lunch together and occasional­ly do things outside of work.

Three years ago, I learned they have a group chat with two of the other women and have gotten together outside of work and didn’t include me.

I’m tired of being excluded, and I don’t understand why they have done it. We all get along, so I’m not sure why this is happening. Any advice on what I should say or do?

Apart In Illinois

Dear Apart: Folks are entitled to socialize (or not) with anyone they would like after work. However, to treat you the way they have been seems insensitiv­e, bordering on rude, and you have every right to say so the next time it happens. It may lead to a “difficult” discussion, but you have a right to tell them how it affects you. Do not depend upon your co-workers to be personal friends, which may not be possible. Cultivate social relationsh­ips outside the office from now on.

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