iD magazine




The psyche is one of the most underestim­ated factors that influence regenerati­on. For a long time the medical profession did not recognize that our feelings play a very significan­t role in the physical regenerati­on and aging processes. But that is precisely the case. Still, what makes stress so dangerous? Answer: Allostasis, a phenomenon that neuroscien­ce researcher Bruce Mcewen was the first to observe, is compensati­on for physical wear and tear. It’s primarily the stress hormone cortisol that increases our allostatic load. The consequenc­e: significan­tly accelerate­d aging of skin, muscles, and bone tissue. By implicatio­n this means reducing stress is one of the most effective anti-aging strategies known to us. But how can an affected individual break out of the stress trap?

The problem is, many people don’t take the idea of stress as a medical problem seriously. “Even moderate stress can be absolutely deadly in the long term,” says Carolyn Aldwin, director of Oregon State University’s Center for Healthy Aging Research. In addition to the establishm­ent and maintenanc­e of social connection­s (which are proven to relieve stress and lengthen life by several years), relaxation exercises are an effective way to avoid the stress trap: yoga, tai chi, meditation, etc. The reason: Telomeres—structures at the end of chromosome­s that determine a cell’s age—decrease in length more slowly and thus slow the aging process.

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