iD magazine



The highest fall ever survived by a cat (virtually unharmed) was from the 32nd floor of a building— more than 325 feet. But how is that possible? If a cat falls from a height with its back facing the ground, it can turn itself around within just a few yards. For this the cat uses an ingenious trick: As soon as it falls it stretches its hind legs out as far as it can and draws its front paws close to its body. Then it repeats the maneuver in another order: It stretches out its front legs and draws its hind legs in— rotating the rest of its body in the process. To ensure a safe landing the cat ends by hunching its spine and extending all four legs. This technique cushions the impact similar to how a shock absorber absorbs excess energy from the springs of a car. The falling feline practicall­y sails down to the ground. A kitten exhibits this righting reflex as early as three weeks of age, and by its 39th day of life it will have managed to control it.

HOW FAST DOES A CAT FALL? The terminal velocity of a falling cat is 60 mph.

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