iD magazine

The day justice is served


An eye for a eye, a tooth for a tooth— it sounds like barbaric jurisprude­nce, but it is in fact the basis of all social coexistenc­e. Before these legal codes were drafted, vigilante justice, revenge, and chaos prevailed. Around 1700 BC the Babylonian King Hammurabi commands a black stele (pillar) to be built and inscribed with legal text. Hammurabi’s Code is 282 paragraphs long; among other things, it describes the right to private property. In the event of a capital offense, the plaintiff, witnesses, and judge had to convene: “It’s the fruition of law and justice,” writes legal historian Herbert Petschow. The concepts don’t hold up today because “eye for an eye” can hurt innocents: If a man’s son is killed, the killer’s son is punished instead of the killer himself.

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