iD magazine




When John Mcneill steps into his lab at the University of Alberta, he has no idea that he is on the verge of discoverin­g a hidden ocean. He he had collected samples near diamond mines in Brazil. Now a mini diamond weighing a mere 0.09 grams is positioned on his spectromet­er—and the analysis takes Mcneill’s breath away…

Hidden within the precious gem is ringwoodit­e, a mineral that is formed under intense pressure. Where? In the cosmos or deep in the Earth. One of its properties is that it can store water, and about 1.5% of its constituti­on is in fact water (though not in liquid form). With this find, researcher­s can now prove that a gigantic ocean exists about 400 miles beneath North America. Now experts even suspect that a large part of the planet’s water has originated deep inside its interior. Geologist Steve Jacobsen talks of 1 billion cubic miles of water occurring under North America alone—more than three times the volume of all the world’s oceans. If this amount of water rained down on Earth, only the highest mountains would still be visible above the super ocean.

Scientists have discovered a gigantic ocean more than 400 miles below Earth’s surface. And it’s bound in a mineral that is usually only found in space…

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