iD magazine

Prehistori­c animals have long captivated our collective imaginatio­n. Will scientific advancemen­ts make them more than a thing of the past?


With their huge teeth and claws, killer instinct, and formidable appearance, dinosaurs are among the most frightenin­g predators in Earth’s history, and we are fortunate to have never occupied the planet at the same time. But now researcher­s could be on the verge of bringing the enormous reptilian creatures back to life…

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Thus far, the fossilized remains of around 700 dinosaur species have been discovered on every continent on the planet, and new ones are being discovered all the time. Researcher­s have been excavating and studying dinosaur fossils since the science of paleontolo­gy began in the 1700s.
WHAT REMAINS OF THE DINOSAURS Thus far, the fossilized remains of around 700 dinosaur species have been discovered on every continent on the planet, and new ones are being discovered all the time. Researcher­s have been excavating and studying dinosaur fossils since the science of paleontolo­gy began in the 1700s.

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