iD magazine



It is often coarse grained and comes in hues ranging from white to gray to pink, all of which somehow make it seem more natural and therefore “healthier.” But before you reach for sea salt, here’s what you need to know. The salt that comes from mines is highly refined and composed of two elements: sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). Sea salt is made from sea water and contains magnesium, potassium, and calcium as well, which add a bit of color and flavor. But any sea salt’s extra mineral content is miniscule compared to that found in fresh foods. Purveyors of sea salt may claim it helps regulate blood pressure, but in fact salt raises blood pressure, which can damage the heart and kidneys over time.

But sea salt also has an unexpected ingredient. Scientists at Incheon National University in South Korea examined 28 brands of sea salt from 16 countries on six continents and found over 90% contained microplast­ics, tiny particles that come from the larger plastic debris contaminat­ing the world’s oceans, particular­ly in Asian regions. Scientists are unsure about microplast­ics’ impact on human health, but toxicologi­st Edmund Maser says microplast­ics can transport chemicals such as PCBS, DDT, and heavy metals present in marine environmen­ts into the human body.

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