Imperial Valley Press

Clarifying library director title


I am providing this response in relation to an article printed on May 18, 2016, in the Imperial Valley Press in the “Voice of the People” related to a question regarding the El Centro Public Library. The article states that Mr. Roland Banks, library director for the El Centro Public Library, was notified by the El Centro City Council via email about being replaced as library director. The purpose of this response is to clarify this potential misunderst­anding.

It appears that the recent action taken by the El Centro City Council at their May 17 City Council meeting associated with resolution­s establishi­ng compensati­on and employment terms for the city’s department directors created some confusion as to the position held by Mr. Roland Banks.

The city of El Centro is not replacing Mr. Banks as the library director for the El Centro Public Library. He continues being employed by the city. In the resolution adopted by the City Council at their May 17 City Council meeting Mr. Banks is now referred to as the city librarian and his functions continue being performed in the same manner as when he was identified as the library director.

The efforts of Mr. Banks are commended by the city of El Centro and the city truly values his library experience. We hope that this letter clarifies any misunderst­anding pertaining to the work being performed by Mr. Banks.


El Centro community services director

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