Imperial Valley Press

Treating lifelong high cholestero­l levels is a challenge

- Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health@med.cornell. edu or request an order form of available health newsletter­s at 628 V

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 63-year-old female. I have been treated for high cholestero­l since I was in my 30s. My cholestero­l levels are difficult to control, and as a result I am closely monitored. My meds are adjusted accordingl­y.

I find this frustratin­g but am used to it. My weight has ranged from underweigh­t to the upper range of normal, where I now am. When I was 56, I had a heart attack. The blockage was in my left anterior descending artery, and during the catheteriz­ation procedure, it was found that I have congenital­ly narrow blood vessels. Despite two attempts, a stent could not be placed.

My treatment plan, in addition to more meds, was diet and exercise to strengthen my heart.

This was a wake-up call, and I followed my doctor’s advice. I ate healthier and started a daily walking regimen.

A year later I had lost 25 pounds and could walk all day. Subsequent tests show that my heart grew “collateral” vessels and my heart is now normal. As a result, my cardiologi­st is thrilled.

He has said he wishes I could be a “poster child” to his other patients to prove what diet and exercise can do.

My cardiologi­st wants his heart attack patients to maintain an LDL level below 70.

Despite diet and 20 mg of Crestor, I cannot get to this number.

Now a new drug, Repatha, is approved. While it has been proven to lower LDL levels significan­tly, it has not yet been determined whether lowering the LDL that much will actually reduce stroke and heart attack risks.

After much discussion with my cardiologi­st, I was given the option to go on Repatha.

He admitted he usually doesn’t prescribe “new to the market” drugs but is really encouraged by the data and admits he has many patients on the drug.

I know the drug is administer­ed via an injection and is expensive. I have been screened, and the pharmacy is ready to mail me out the pre-filled syringes.

My insurance will cover it. I am indecisive as to whether I should start this new drug. I am worried about drug interactio­ns. -- B.L.

ANSWER: Evolocumab (Repatha) is a new treatment for high cholestero­l, indicated for people at very high risk for heart attack.

This includes people who cannot get their risk down adequately with lifestyle changes and statin drugs, including people unable to tolerate them. Few drug interactio­ns are known (I found only one, with belimumab, which is used for lupus).

Since these drugs are new, there isn’t yet a definitive answer on whether they reduce risk of heart disease -- precisely as you say. However, initial data suggest that they will be of benefit.

The long-term risks of evolocumab are unknown, but short-term risks appear to be low.

The most common is pain at the injection site. Serious adverse events were unlikely. One concern is a small increased risk of confusion.

From what you have told me, you already have done a great deal to reduce your risk.

Using this new medication might further reduce it a small amount, but at an unknown risk of long-term side effects.

However, I think Repatha would be very reasonable for someone at higher risk than you are.

The booklet on cholestero­l and its subtypes covers all aspects of cholestero­l control.

Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Roach Book No. 201, 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Can. with the recipient’s printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery.

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