Imperial Valley Press

New BSED superinten­dent still under considerat­ion


BRAWLEY — A new school chief to succeed outgoing Superinten­dent Ronald Garcia for the Brawley Elementary School District received substantia­l attention May 31 but a successor has yet to be named.

Meeting in closed session on Tuesday the school board interviewe­d four candidates, each of them getting an hour’s individual meeting, said Cesar Guzman, BESD board president.

During the interviews the board also held phone discussion­s with Ben Johnson, the California School Boards Associatio­n consultant who headed up the search team.

The team consisted of various stakeholde­rs that included the Brawley Elementary Teachers Associatio­n, California School Employees Associatio­n, Cycles Phonologic­al Pattern Approach (speech and language pathology), two parent volunteers and community members.

But the board has yet to reach a consensus. Therefore it will meet in another closed session next week. Before the closed session of last week, the stakeholde­rs conducted their own interviews.

“All the stakeholde­rs went over the strengths of each but did not recommend any one candidate,” said Peggy Emanuel, BETA president. “That way the board can go into closed session with an open mind.”

Outgoing Superinten­dent Garcia tendered his resignatio­n on Feb. 9. The school board voted unanimousl­y 5 to 0 accepting his resignatio­n. Garcia’s work agreement was to have run through June 30, 2017.

But in considerat­ion of his early departure Garcia has agreed to work to the close of business on June 30, 2016.

The BSED board also agreed to continue all of Garcia’s current employment agreement.

The one exception is there will be no performanc­e evaluation for the 2015-2016 school year. He will also receive a salary percentage increase for 2015-2016 equivalent to the highest percentage increase given to any employee group with the district or five percent, whichever percentage is less.

He will also continue to receive all medical benefits he currently receives until he is covered by another source or until June 30, 2017, whichever comes first.

Garcia has thanked the current board as well as the previous board for all its support to accomplish the objectives it had set during his time in office.

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