Imperial Valley Press

Refinancin­g of special tax bond passes council


IMPERIAL — The issuance of a special tax refunding bond that saves significan­t money for residents was approved by the City Council here on Wednesday.

The council voted unanimousl­y 5 to 0 for resolution 2016-41 to refinance an $8 million bond for the Monterey Park project. This was the fourth Community Facilities District created since 2006.

A CFD was created by the 1982 Mello-Roos Act that allows any county, city, special district or joint powers authority to create a finance mechanism to fund infrastruc­ture projects and for parks, libraries, museums, fire and ambulance services, noted Marshall Linn, chief executive officer of Isom Advisors, a consultanc­y.

“This reduced average annual special taxes significan­tly,” said Linn. “It’s an incredible win for the property owners. With rates at an all-time low we passed the savings on to homeowners.”

Property owners should save $1.25 million with this refinancin­g and over $5 million from all four CFDs combined.

The council also approved 5 to 0 the Savannah Ranch final map and related documents. This is the actual legal document that creates the lots in the subdivisio­n. There are 61 lots of single-family homes. Now that a legal subdivisio­n has been created the developer, Martin Coyne will submit plans for houses, noted Jorge Galvan, interim city manager. Constructi­on is expected to begin in approximat­ely six months.

A change order for the Neckel Road sewer and water improvemen­t project passed 5 to 0 also. The sum of $120,723.41 was approved to install 180 feet of undergroun­d drinking water pipe.

Funds were tapped from the capacity fund specifical­ly used for infrastruc­ture, noted Galvan. The project is already underway and has a quick turnaround.

And by a 5 to 0 vote the council approved submittal of a waiver petition/letter of support for continuanc­e of Mokulele Airlines as the essential air service for Imperial County Airport, to the Department of Transporta­tion.

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