Imperial Valley Press

About ice cream



 Before milk based ice creams were introduced in 10th century, this summer treat was indeed made from ice.

 Industrial production of ice cream begun in 1851 in Boston, United States.

 The largest worldwide consumptio­n of ice cream is in United States. There, one average person consumes 48 pints of ice cream per year.

 Biggest ice cream sundae was created in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1988. It weigh 24 tons.  One of the most unusual ice cream flavors is hot dog flavored ice-cream that was created in Arizona, US.

 Over her entire lifetime, one daily cow can produce enough milk for 9,000 gallons of ice cream!

Larges ice cream cake weighed 12,096 pounds. United States produces most ice cream in the world.

 Hawaii is a home to an “ice cream bean,” fruit that tastes like vanilla ice cream.

Most favorite

ice cream topping is chocolate syrup. One cone of ice cream can be finished off in 50 licks.

 It takes 12 gallons of milk to create one gallon of ice cream.

 Ice cream “Brain Freeze” effect is triggered when cold ice touches the roof of your mouth, which causes blood vessels in the head to dilate.

 End of the World War II was celebrated by eating ice cream.

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