Imperial Valley Press

IVC Board applicants unveiled, appointmen­t to be made today


On Wednesday afternoon, the Imperial Community College District unveiled the names of the four applicants who expressed interest in being appointed to the board’s vacant Area 5 seat.

The candidates are the Rev. Mark Edney; Kim Vincent, and President of the American Legion Auxiliary Bradley-Keffer Unit 138, Holtville; community organizer Dilda McFadden; attorney and former Central Union High School district board member Steven Walker.

The candidates submitted a letter of interest to the board prior to the Aug. 18 deadline in hopes of taking the seat vacated by for former Area 5 Trustee Juanita Salas who was elected as Division 1 Director for the Imperial Irrigation District in June.

After verifying the informatio­n provided by the candidates, IVC board scheduled a special meeting today at 5 p.m. where the board will interview the four candidates individual­ly in public.

After conducting the interviews, the board is expected to make an appointmen­t during the meeting.

During its July 19 meeting, the IVC board voted in favor of making a provisiona­l appointmen­t rather than conducting an election.

The two factors that contribute­d to the board’s decision to make a provisiona­l appointmen­t rather than have an election were the fact that the term for Area 5 expires in just a little more than one year and the fact that there is no general election occurring soon enough to consolidat­e a special election to fill the vacancy.

Also, setting a special election was expected to cost the college more than $35,000.

“An appointmen­t can be accomplish­ed on a more expedited basis while the completion of a special election would take much longer leaving the residents in Trustee Area 5 unrepresen­ted during that period of time,” stated the approved resolution by the board on July 19.

As part of the process, the applicants submitted an applicatio­n packet including their resumes, previous experience, education background and why they are interested in the position.

On the question regarding why he was interested in the position, the Rev. Edney responded, “... As a pastor and teacher in school, I have a great deal of interactio­n with you children and young people. I do everything in my power to encourage them to want to learn. To learn for the sake of learning but also for the opportunit­ies it affords. I would like to support the IVC community in its mission to maintain and grow the best possible learning environmen­t for the people here in the Valley …”

McFadden, who is a board member for Ballington Academy, responded to the question, “To continue expanding the progress that this board has achieved. I bring with me a resume of experience and a record of collaborat­ion. I am here to work with the board not against it in achieving our policy mandate despite the challenges, fiscal or otherwise, that lie ahead of us at a state and federal level.”

U.S. Navy veteran Vincent responded to the same question, “My desire to serve on the Imperial Community College District Board is to make a difference in my community with the young men and women who desire to further their education. Furthermor­e, I desire to be an additional support to the campus Veterans Center with my knowledge of various community resources.”

Walker who has previous experience serving in both the El Centro Elementary School District and Central Union High School District responded, “... In my view, IVC needs to continue to be seen as a viable and desirable option after high school for local students, and as an important piece of the puzzle by creating an educated workforce wanting to return to the Imperial Valley after college or university to live and work and raise families …”

Check Friday’s edition of the Imperial Valley Press for additional details of the appointmen­t of the next Area 5 trustee for the IVC board.

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