Imperial Valley Press

Protestant Reformatio­n Day

- RON GRIFFEN The Rev. Ron Griffen is lead pastor of First United Methodist Church in El Centro

This Tuesday marks a very important event in the history of the world. No, I’m not talking about Halloween. On October 31, 1517, Rev. Martin Luther nailed 95 protests of practices of the Catholic Church to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

This Tuesday marks the 500th anniversar­y of the Protestant Reformatio­n.

As we commemorat­e this event, it is important to acknowledg­e that this movement has given shape to the world we live in. “What do you mean by that?” you might ask. Here are some ways in which the Protestant Reformatio­n changed Christiani­ty and the world we live in.

While most of us are only vaguely familiar with the arguments Luther put forth in his theses, I think the concept of indulgence­s would be what we know best. To refresh, indulgence­s were payments made by a contrite Christian to a priest in order to be forgiven of particular sins. In other words, indulgence­s were believed to be a way of buying oneself into heaven.

But beyond that practice, Luther was really raising questions about what it meant to be a Christian, what a Christian was supposed to do, how they were to live and function in the world. Why Christians believed what they believe. Questions that are still relevant today.

One way he answered the question became an important Protestant concept: The “Priesthood of all believers.” One’s relationsh­ip with God did not require a mediator. One’s relationsh­ip with God was personal.

Secondly and thirdly, Luther made the claims that a person obtained salvation through faith alone, and that scripture was the means by which an individual could know faith. These claims could only be made because of a new technology that had developed.

Movable type. The printing press. In fact, one of the first publicatio­ns the Gutenberg Press put out was the Bible. This meant that for the first time, people could actually read the Word for themselves, which also meant people needed to become literate! Education became valuable.

Martin Luther translated the Bible into German, his common language. Others did the same for their people. All of this led to a new way of community interactio­n. The Lutheran understand­ing of Christian living, that each individual has responsibi­lity for their own salvation, each having accountabi­lity, led to the concept of democracy. Democracy.

I think most of us would agree that democracy is a good thing. That being so, it follows that we ought to recognize there are dynamics created in democratic settings, and how they affect our relationsh­ips with one another, how they create conflict as well as cooperatio­n.

Think about it. The Protestant Reformatio­n did not produce a single theologica­l or credal entity called Protestant Christiani­ty. Today, it is estimated there are over 45,000 different Protestant denominati­ons. 45,000! You see, once you realize you can think for yourself, the process of interpreta­tion takes a primary role. And don’t think that there aren’t differing interpreta­tions within those 45,000 denominati­ons.

This leads me to observe that there are two primary characteri­stics of Protestant­s. The first is our passion for God. The emphasis on a personal relationsh­ip with God. Most of us do that through our relationsh­ip with Jesus who taught and lived the example of a personal relationsh­ip with God. Jesus. Emmanuel. God with us.

Personal. Intimate. Relational.

The second characteri­stic of Protestant­s is we argue about everything. And I mean everything. The Protestant Reformatio­n was a bloody affair for decades. Different interpreta­tions based on the desire to get it straight. And we still disagree even now.

But, though we may not think alike, can we not love alike? After all, isn’t that how Jesus summed up the Law and the Prophets? Love God, love your neighbor, love yourself.

Happy anniversar­y Protestant­s!

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