Imperial Valley Press

Thanksgivi­ng and Lincoln’s legacy

- ARTHUR I. CYR Arthur I. Cyr is Clausen Distinguis­hed Professor at Carthage College and author of “After the Cold War.” Contact at

Thanksgivi­ng means inclusion. President Abraham Lincoln made that point profoundly during our Civil War. On Oct. 3, 1863, the White House issued the Thanksgivi­ng Proclamati­on, which declared the last Thursday of November to be a “day of thanksgivi­ng and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.” He also humbly requested “the interposit­ion of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore ... peace, harmony, and Union.”

Earlier, Lincoln had ordered government offices closed on Nov. 28, 1861, for a day of thanksgivi­ng. Up until the 1863 proclamati­on, individual states had celebrated days of giving thanks. Sarah Joseph Hale, editor of the influentia­l Godey’s Lady’s Book, had written to Lincoln in late September of that year pressing for a national day of thanks, a goal she pursued for many years without success.

According to Lincoln’s administra­tive aide John Nicolay, Secretary of State William H. Seward signed the document. Lincoln and Seward by then were friends as well as colleagues.

Unity was an overarchin­g Lincoln theme throughout the Civil War, employed with shrewd calculatio­n and brilliant political timing. By fall 1863, the strategic position of the Union had taken a marked turn for the better. In July, there were two significan­t victories — the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvan­ia and the capture of Vicksburg Mississipp­i. A sizable Confederat­e army never again would invade the North, and the great Mississipp­i River was now completely in Union control.

During the preceding year, one military developmen­t provided Lincoln with political opportunit­y. On Sept. 17, 1862, the Army of the Potomac, under General George B. McClellan, defeated General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia at Antietam Creek in Maryland. The victory was technical, in that Lee withdrew and left the Union forces in control. Neverthele­ss, the outcome qualified as a Union military success, desperatel­y welcome.

Lincoln faced extremely serious challenges beyond the Confederac­y. General McClellan was popular with rankand-file soldiers; he also held national political ambitions. He was committed to the Union but strongly opposed abolition of slavery. A talented organizer and administra­tor, he refused to be aggressive in attacking Lee’s army.

McClellan became insubordin­ate, demanding control over all war policy. The president fired him. McClellan became the Democratic Party’s 1864 presidenti­al nomination; Lincoln defeated him again.

President Lincoln, after confirming control of the Army, moved quickly to exploit the Antietam victory by issuing the Emancipati­on Proclamati­on. The executive order of Jan. 1, 1863, freed slaves in the Confederat­e states. From fall 1862, the U.S. government issued a series of warnings under the Second Confiscati­on Act, passed by Congress on July 17, 1862. The legislatio­n confirmed in law Lincoln’s War Powers.

Critics have argued Lincoln should have included states in the Union, but that would have been illegal and unwise. Slavery was still legal under the Constituti­on, and ended in law only when a sufficient number of states ratified the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constituti­on on Dec. 18, 1865. Slavery had support in Border States and parts of the North.

By design, the Emancipati­on Proclamati­on is a detailed dry document that makes the case for removing property, with emphasis on procedure. There is no reference to fundamenta­l moral concerns expressed elsewhere, especially in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Second Inaugural.

Immediatel­y, the Civil War transforme­d from focus on preservati­on of the Union alone to abolition of slavery. Lincoln used practical means for transcende­nt goals. Give thanks.

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