Imperial Valley Press

Greece: Clashes near PM’s office over bailout labor reforms


ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Demonstrat­ors broke their way into Greece’s Labor Ministry and clashed with riot police outside the prime minister’s office Tuesday, in protest against a new agreement between the country and bailout creditors that includes limiting the right to strike.

The labor unions also called a general strike for Dec. 14.

Police fired tear gas outside the office of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras after protesters forced their way past a cordon and clashed with officers on duty.

Earlier, demonstrat­ors forced open the shuttered entrance of the Labor Ministry on a busy commercial street in the center of the city.

The clashes occurred hours after finance ministers from the 19 eurozone countries backed a provisiona­l agreement on the terms of a late-January bailout disburseme­nt.

Under the provisiona­l agreement, the government also commits to expand the privatizat­ion of a state power company and help speed up efforts to clear a huge backlog of banks’ soured loans — measures that are both politicall­y unpopular.

Labor reforms are highly controvers­ial in Greece, where unemployme­nt remains over 20 percent and poverty levels have surged over the past few years since the country first required an internatio­nal financial rescue in 2010.

A legal amendment to toughen strike rules was proposed in parliament as part of unrelated draft legislatio­n late Monday and withdrawn hours later for further consultati­on.

Tuesday’s protest was organized by a union control by the Greek Communist Party, which has led multiple protests against Tsipras’ left-led coalition government.

“This government of dirty tricks. It has surprised everyone with its willingnes­s to take instructio­ns from the (bailout creditors),” Communist Party deputy Christos Katsotis said.

Greece’s largest labor unions have called a 24hour strike against the proposed labor reforms on Dec. 14.

“The government has promised to restore labor rights ... but at the same time it is weakening the most fundamenta­l tool of collective action, the right to strike,” the General Confederat­ion of Greek Labor, the country’s largest union, said.

BEIJING (AP) — Canada has high hopes for a trade agreement with China but won’t rush into negotiatio­ns that could affect their economies for generation­s to come, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday.

On the second day of a visit to Beijing, Trudeau told reporters that Canada was “constantly engaged” on trade issues with China as part of explorator­y talks on a trade pact launched two years ago that have tackled issues such as agricultur­al exports.

Despite hopes that formal talks on an agreement would be announced during Trudeau’s visit, it appeared that wasn’t going to happen.

“For the past two years, we’ve been working on deepening our trade ties, our opportunit­ies for small businesses, for Canadians to benefit from better access to the Chinese market while standing up for our interests and jobs back home,” Trudeau said.

“This is something that is an ongoing process that we take very seriously and of course we are going to continue to talk about opportunit­ies to benefit Canadians every moment that we have” in both China and back in Canada, he said.

Rather than announcing trade talks, Trudeau instead touted an agreement with China on the importance of dealing with climate change and upholding the 2015 Paris agreement, despite President Donald Trump’s aim to withdraw the United States from the accord to cap greenhouse gases.

“Our shared concern for our environmen­t will continue to be featured prominentl­y in everything we do,” Trudeau said. “Climate change is without a doubt one of the greatest challenges of our time, one we cannot and one we will not ignore.”

Trudeau met with Chinese President Xi Jinping later Tuesday.

“I’m sure this visit will be a success and inject new vitality into China-Canada relations,” Xi told Trudeau.

The lack of a concrete agreement on trade talks drew questions from some in Canada.

“Prime ministers usually don’t go on trips like that without something to announce,” John Manley, CEO of the Business Council of Canada, was quoted as saying by the public Canadian Broadcasti­ng Corp.

China has positioned itself as a leading advocate of free trade, particular­ly since Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, a pan-Pacific trade deal. Yet foreign businesses often complain that China closes many key areas to foreign investment, and Xi is known to favor a centralize­d economic model with special support for state-owned industries.

Canadian businesses have also been unsettled by Trump’s threat to renegotiat­e or even withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement. Trudeau said it was important to oppose economic nationalis­m, but said he was also looking for ways to “improve NAFTA for the 21st century.”

After meeting with Premier Li Keqiang on Monday, Trudeau said Canada hopes a trade agreement with China will reflect “Canadian values” in the areas of labor rights, environmen­tal protection and gender equality. That approach runs against China’s inclinatio­n to keep such issues separate and avoid links to human rights or civil liberties.

On Tuesday, he reaffirmed Canada’s approach of seeking a durable agreement, despite the lengthy timeframe demanded.

“We are going to work very hard, very responsibl­y to make sure that as we move forward, we move forward in the right way,” he said. “Once we get to the stage of negotiatin­g a trade agreement, that’s going to take years as well.”

In addition to seeking a trade pact with China, Canada has remained part of the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p.

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