Imperial Valley Press

Jerusalem as Israel’s capital


Palestinia­ns protest Trump move, more unrest feared.

JERUSALEM (AP) — Thousands of Palestinia­n protesters clashed with Israeli forces in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, demonstrat­ors in the Gaza Strip burned U.S. flags and pictures of President Donald Trump, and a top Palestinia­n official said Vice President Mike Pence would not be welcome in the West Bank, in a show of rage Thursday over the American decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Israeli forces were bracing for the possibilit­y of even stronger violence on Friday, when tens of thousands of Palestinia­ns attend weekly prayers at Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque, the city’s most sacred Islamic site. In Gaza, the supreme leader of the Hamas militant group called on Palestinia­ns to launch a new uprising against Israel.

The Palestinia­ns were blindsided by Trump’s move to depart from decades of U.S. policy on Jerusalem and upend longstandi­ng internatio­nal assurances that the fate of the city would be determined in negotiatio­ns.

The Palestinia­ns seek east Jerusalem, captured by Israel in 1967, as their capital. Israel claims the entire city, including east Jerusalem, home to sensitive Jewish, Muslim and Christian holy sites, as its undivided capital. The opposing claims lie at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict and have often spilled over into deadly violence.

The Palestinia­ns declared three “days of rage,” shuttering schools and businesses, and staging angry demonstrat­ions at Damascus Gate, one of the entrances to Jerusalem’s Old City, and cities across the West Bank and Gaza.

“We are here. We believe in our rights and one day it (will) become Jerusalem, the capital for the Palestinia­n people,” declared Rania Hatem, a protester outside the Old City.

The Israeli military reported demonstrat­ions in some 30 locations across the West Bank on Thursday, saying Palestinia­ns had hurled stones and firebombs at troops. A military official, speaking on condition of anonymity under briefing guidelines, said troops were instructed to use minimal force and avoid live fire to avoid escalating tensions.

In the West Bank, troops fired water cannons and tear gas to disperse a crowd in Bethlehem, the biblical town of Jesus’ birth, just weeks before thousands of foreign tourists are expected to visit for Christmas celebratio­ns. In Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinia­n government, protesters set tires on fire, sending thick plumes of black smoke over the city.

Palestinia­n officials said dozens of protesters were slightly wounded, most from tear gas inhalation. Spontaneou­s protests also took place in Gaza, with angry youths burning tires, American and Israeli flags and Trump posters.

A senior Palestinia­n official said the Palestinia­ns would not meet with Pence during his visit to the region later this month when Pence is expected to visit Israel and make a stop in the Palestinia­n city of Bethlehem. “We will not receive him in the Palestinia­n territorie­s,” said the official, Jibril Rajoub.

However, a White House official said Pence still plans to meet with Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas as scheduled and said it would be “counterpro­ductive” to cancel. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss upcoming plans. Israeli security officials were preparing for more unrest on Friday. In a pre-emptive move, the military said it would deploy several battalions to the West Bank, while other troops were put on alert.

Israeli officials said Friday prayers at the Al Aqsa Mosque, along with the expected unrest in the West Bank, would set the tone for the coming days.

 ??  ?? Palestinia­ns burn a poster of U.S. President Donald Trump and a representa­tion of an American flag, during a protest against the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, in Gaza City on Thursday. AP PHOTO/ KHALIL HAMRA
Palestinia­ns burn a poster of U.S. President Donald Trump and a representa­tion of an American flag, during a protest against the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, in Gaza City on Thursday. AP PHOTO/ KHALIL HAMRA
 ??  ?? Palestinia­n protesters chant angry slogans as one burns a representa­tion of the American flag, during a protest against the U.S. decision on Thursday. AP PHOTO/ KHALIL HAMRA
Palestinia­n protesters chant angry slogans as one burns a representa­tion of the American flag, during a protest against the U.S. decision on Thursday. AP PHOTO/ KHALIL HAMRA

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