Imperial Valley Press

AP review shows consequenc­es of arming adults in schools


They are the “good guys with guns” the National Rifle Associatio­n says are needed to protect students from shooters: a school police officer, a teacher who moonlights in law enforcemen­t, a veteran sheriff.

Yet in a span of 48 hours in March, the three were responsibl­e for gun safety lapses that put students in danger.

The school police officer accidental­ly fired his gun in his Virginia office, sending a bullet through a wall into a middle school classroom. The teacher was demonstrat­ing firearm safety in California when he mistakenly put a round in the ceiling, injuring three students who were hit by falling debris. And the sheriff left a loaded service weapon in a locker room at a Michigan middle school, where a sixth-grader found it.

All told, an Associated Press review of news reports collected by the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive revealed more than 30 publicly reported mishaps since 2014 involving firearms brought onto school grounds by law enforcemen­t officers or educators. Guns went off by mistake, were fired by curious or unruly students, and were left unattended in bathrooms and other locations.

“If this can happen with a highly trained police officer, why would we give teachers guns?” interim superinten­dent Lois Berlin of the Alexandria, Virginia, school system asked after the incident involving the officer whose accidental discharge put a bullet through a wall at George Washington Middle School. He was placed on leave and is under investigat­ion. Amid a nationwide push to arm teachers or add more police officers and armed guards, the AP review suggests that doing so will almost certainly have unintended consequenc­es. The accidents are rare, but the actual number is probably higher because schools are not required to report them. And they have frightened students, outraged parents, prompted disciplina­ry and criminal investigat­ions and left at least nine people injured.

Some insurance companies have refused to cover schools that allow non-law enforcemen­t personnel to be armed. And many school employees have said in surveys that they would feel less safe if more of their colleagues were carrying weapons.

Neverthele­ss, calls to encourage districts to add more armed educators and officers have intensifie­d since the Feb. 14 shooting rampage at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 students and educators dead.

Speaking Friday to the NRA convention in Dallas, President Donald Trump called for allowing trained teachers to carry concealed weapons in schools, along with more armed security guards. He said the best deterrent to would-be school shooters is “the knowledge that their attack will end their life and end in total failure.”

 ??  ?? In this Dec. 27, 2012, file photo, Clark Aposhian, president of the Utah Shooting Sport Council, holds a plastic gun during a concealed weapons training session for 200 Utah teachers in West Valley City, Utah. AP PHOTO/RICK BOWMER
In this Dec. 27, 2012, file photo, Clark Aposhian, president of the Utah Shooting Sport Council, holds a plastic gun during a concealed weapons training session for 200 Utah teachers in West Valley City, Utah. AP PHOTO/RICK BOWMER

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