Imperial Valley Press

Internet purchases spark fight over sales taxes


Sales taxes, once the primary source of revenue for the state budget, now play second fiddle to income taxes.

That said, sales taxes are still very important to local government­s, particular­ly cities, and often affect local land-use decisions — favoring tax-generating retail business over housing, for instance.

However, consumer trends are changing, radically affecting how many billions of sales tax dollars are allocated, and the Legislatur­e is just beginning to deal with it.

Brick-and-mortar stores are losing consumers to online marketplac­es such as eBay and Amazon, forcing some retailers, such as Walmart, to embrace digital commerce themselves.

Currently, local sales taxes accrue to the jurisdicti­ons in which the underlying transactio­ns occur.

If you buy a living room chair from a store in Sacramento, for instance, the city claims a few dollars of sales tax. But what happens if you order that chair via the Internet from Amazon and it’s delivered a few days — or maybe even a few hours — later?

Amazon does collect sales tax, thanks to a landmark deal with the state a few years ago that paved the way for the giant company to establish a string of “distributi­on centers” to service such orders, and the state gets most of those revenues.

However, online sellers typically have tax-sharing agreements with the communitie­s where their immense warehouses are located.

Those communitie­s get the local share of taxes from shipments on the theory that they are the transactio­n sites, then kick back some of the revenue to the companies as a subsidy.

It’s a double benefit for those communitie­s, which are often in semi-rural, economical­ly depressed regions, generating both warehouse jobs and some sales tax revenue.

Predictabl­y, however, local government­s (and local transporta­tion agencies) that are frozen out by those deals and suffer sales tax losses are unhappy.

Enter Senate Constituti­onal Amendment 20, carried by Sen. Steve Glazer, an Orinda Democrat, which won unanimous approval of the Senate Governance and Finance Committee last month.

If approved by the Legislatur­e and the state’s voters, it would allocate taxes from online sales to the cities or counties in which the buyers live, taking them away from the warehouse communitie­s.

It would implement a recommenda­tion of the state auditor’s office, which studied sales tax allocation last year, and although the committee hearing was brief and polite, the conflict, pitting city against city, is real.

Officials of cities with online warehouses see it as a money grab by warehouse-bereft cities. And since the former tend to be low-income communitie­s and the latter are more affluent, with high-spending residents — such as Glazer’s Orinda — there’s an element of class friction.

Without resolution, the conflict can only grow more intense, since online sales are growing rapidly and those in physical stores are, at best, stagnant, as shown by the declining fortunes of even such venerable retailers as Sears.

The League of California Cities, which has members on both side of the issue, is trying to hammer out a compromise.

Before voting for Glazer’s measure, Sen. Robert Hertzberg, a Van Nuys Democrat who’s been working on a comprehens­ive state taxation overhaul said, “We need to fix the whole thing.”

Yes we do, but any change of tax policy creates winners and losers and SCA 20’s conflict underscore­s the heavy political lifting that comprehens­ive tax reform would require.

That’s why Gov. Jerry Brown has refused to take it on, even while saying it needs to be done, and is leaving it to his successor.

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