Imperial Valley Press

California governor wants millions for homeless aid


SACRAMENTO — Cities and counties would receive $359 million from surplus state revenue to help California’s growing homeless population under the proposed budget Gov. Jerry Brown announced Friday.

About a fourth of homeless people in the United States live in California, which has just 12 percent of the country’s overall population, according to federal data.

Brown, a Democrat who has been criticized for not acting more quickly to address the problem, said the money will help, but more will be needed to solve the root causes of homelessne­ss, including mental illness and drug addiction. It will be a challenge for whoever is elected in November to succeed Brown.

“It isn’t enough to just throw dollars down to the cities,” Brown said at a news conference.

The money would include $250 million for emergency aid block grants, $32 million for the state’s welfare program CalWORKs and $50 million for people will mental illness. It also includes funding for domestic violence shelters, a state council that coordinate­s homeless assistance, and support for homeless youth and seniors.

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said Friday he and other mayors are sorting out what the money would mean for local government. A bipartisan group of mayors from California’s 11 largest cities has lobbied at the state Capitol this year for $1.5 billion to tackle homelessne­ss.

Liccardo said he appreciate­d Brown’s response to their request, but said they’ll push “for a larger commitment in light of the magnitude of the crisis.”

Liccardo said money could go toward building tiny housing units at a cost of $20,000 each and rehabilita­ting motel rooms into usable apartments.

The budget should include even more money for permanent housing with on-site support for homeless people, Assemblyma­n David Chiu said.

“The governor’s budget does not invest enough of California’s considerab­le surplus into programs that would address the high cost of housing (and) the state’s severe homelessne­ss crisis,” the San Francisco Democrat said in a statement. “If we are going to have a lasting impact on the lives of all California­ns we must invest more in increasing the supply of affordable homes for our rent-burdened, low-income families.”

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