Imperial Valley Press

Mom thanks Venezuela leader for son’s freedom


SALT LAKE CITY — The 4:30 a.m. phone call that woke up Laurie and Jason Holt last Friday at their Salt Lake City home was the one they had been anxiously anticipati­ng for two long years.

Their son, Josh Holt, and his Venezuelan wife were locked in a Caracas jail alongside some of the country’s most-hardened criminals — and President Nicolas Maduro’s top opponents — for what the U.S. government argued were bogus charges of stockpilin­g weapons.

The Utah parents had been through the emotional rollercoas­ter of believing their son would be released only to watch mediation efforts unravel at the last minute on at least three occasions. So they braced for another disappoint­ment after an Associated Press reporter informed the couple Thursday that Sen. Bob Corker, the powerful chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, had popped up unexpected­ly in Caracas to push for Holt’s freedom.

But then they got the fateful call from Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch’s office.

“They called us at 4:30 a.m. and said you need to be on the plane. Josh is coming home,” said Laurie Holt, recalling how they had to pack and get to the airport in 90 minutes. “This was the first time they actually said: ‘Get to DC, he’s being freed.’”

Now, Laurie Holt said she can’t wait to sit down with her son. While there was a long hug at the airport Saturday evening she said they’ve had very little time to speak to her son. The whole family was whisked away to the White House for a meeting with President Donald Trump before Josh Holt and his wife checked into a government hospital for a battery of medical tests.

Laurie Holt said her son is in good health but lost weight, suffered a number of bronchial problems in prison and has a rotten tooth that needed checking out. His wife, Thamara Caleno, has more serious pain issues on one side of her body.

Experts in treating people who have been held in captivity have debriefed the couple so that they can begin dealing with the emotions from their long ordeal.

“He’s not the same Josh that left,” said Laurie Holt. “He just doesn’t quite have that sparkle back yet in his eyes. He’ll come back, I know he will. We just have to give him time.”

On Monday, they were scheduled to be discharged and fly back to Salt Lake City, where they will be met by a welcoming committee that includes Caleno’s daughter from a previous relationsh­ip. Nathalia Carrasco, 7, has been living at Laurie Holt’s home since February but hasn’t yet been informed she’ll be reunited with her mother and Josh Holt, who she calls “papi.” Caleno’s other daughter, Marian, traveled with the couple from Caracas.

Josh Holt, now 26, traveled to Caracas in June 2016 to marry a fellow Mormon he had met online while looking to improve his Spanish. The two were waiting for Caleno’s U.S. visa when they were arrested at her family’s apartment in a government housing complex.

Laurie Holt said she thinks Maduro — fearing retaliatio­n from the U.S. —decided to finally act after her son appeared in a clandestin­ely-shot video from jail on the eve of this month’s presidenti­al election railing against the Venezuelan government, saying his life had been threatened in a prison riot.

After communicat­ions between the U.S. senators’ offices and the Venezuelan government, “I think his heart was softened,” Laurie Holt said of Maduro.

Maduro never publicly mentioned Holt’s imprisonme­nt even as it became a major irritant in relations between the already-hostile government­s.

She said she’s also appreciati­ve of Corker’s Venezuelan counterpar­t in the talks, Rafael Lacava, a governor close to Maduro who escorted the Tennessee senator and Holt back to Washington on a jet belonging to Venezuela’s state-owned oil company. In a photograph taken at the airport in Caracas, Holt can be seen standing alongside Lacava holding a Venezuela national soccer team jersey emblazoned with the governor’s name.

Trump on Friday night called Corker in Caracas and spoke to Lacava briefly to express his appreciati­on for Holt’s release, according to two U.S. officials with knowledge of the call. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the private conversati­on.

Finally, Laurie Holt credits Wilmer Ruperti, a government-connected Venezuelan shipping magnate, with keeping her son safe in jail. Ruperti flew to Salt Lake to meet her family and had been paying for Holt’s lawyers. But when his involvemen­t in the case was revealed by the AP it was met with skepticism because he had also been funding the defense of two nephews of First Lady Cilia Flores who were convicted in New York in 2016 of drug traffickin­g.

Corker said that when Lacava traveled to Washington in March the possibilit­y of the nephews’ release was discussed, as well as some sort of sanctions relief at a time Trump was threatenin­g an oil embargo on the OPEC nation.

“All of those things were discussed but we told them it could not happen,” Corker said in an interview Monday, insisting that “nothing was asked, nothing was given” in exchange for Holt’s freedom.

The nephews are still imprisoned.

Corker said he’s not sure where U.S.-Venezuelan relations are heading and declined to comment on bipartisan legislatio­n before his committee that aims to further isolate Venezuela’s government and provide humanitari­an assistance. But the Republican, who is retiring this year, said it’s important for the U.S. to continue to speak out against the “many, many bad things” the Maduro government has done.

 ?? AP PHOTO/ALEX BRANDON ?? Joshua Holt (center) who was recently released from a prison in Venezuela, hugs Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah (left) in the Oval Office of the White House, on Saturday, in Washington, as Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn. (second from right) talks with Sen. Orrin Hatch,...
AP PHOTO/ALEX BRANDON Joshua Holt (center) who was recently released from a prison in Venezuela, hugs Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah (left) in the Oval Office of the White House, on Saturday, in Washington, as Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn. (second from right) talks with Sen. Orrin Hatch,...

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